committed to Sparkle Motion

they are real. Check out other ultra-clever pop by Fountains of Wayne and Matthew Sweet.

This movie is my favourite recent example of the sub-genre: "pop-culture that seems to absolutely hate and savagely mocks it's own audience". Right up there with Phantom of the Paradise and 50s-80s Archie Comics.
It also features Kay Hanley's vocals. She is a goddess. While not as power-poppy, if anyone here gets

Counterpoint: what about an artist's family? Shouldn't I, as an artist, have to the right to decide that my family can keep earning mortgage payments, tuition money, etc from my work once I'm dead?
Frances Cobain's therapy sessions ain't cheap, ya know.

It's amazing how much less fun WKRP reruns are without the "correct" songs in them.

Paz was delightful. Crushing hard on Paz now. She radiated energy and fun from stage right. Actually the whole band looked like they were having a blast. This was the Winnipeg show last October.

Agreed X2. Wouldn't it be an interesting plot twist to have Alicia go public with all the underhanded machinations of the Democratic party and switch over to the GOP out of spite and her compulsion to win at all costs? I wouldn't see that as out of character. She lies about having faith to get elected, she will lie

I disagree - the Raj subplot was embarrassingly pandering to the 90% of the population that believes in God and the importance of (some sort) of faith. Total bullshit when one considers that in reality a NASA engineer and a University Astrophysics prof are far more likely than not to be atheists. Cowardly writing.

Actually, I kind of think that the ending is all in the Mom's head. Like the last scene of Taxi Driver. Too good to be true. She wrote the book (hence the charcoal on her fingers) and she killed the the dog, then the boy in the same manner she predicted in her book, as her grasp of reality gave way completely.

Thank you but there were 4 guest stars of note, not 3. Robert Joy is awesome - even if he isn't used much in this particular guest spot.

Best 10 Ep so far, Mike. Kudos.
Here is a question for y'all to ponder: Do you ever consider how much your childhood media consumption has influenced your philosophies and ethics?
I can clearly recall first seeing the Clean Up Radio Everywhere episode as a 8 or 9 year old and - to this day - the show's

I didn't fully appreciate Herb until I became a family man myself. I have been slowly evolving into Herb over the last 20 years. God help me.

Do the Antenna TV shows have the original music scores?

The estates of all 4 Beatles bought the catalogue back from Michael Jackson in the mid-90s when he was millions behind in tax payments (I think he lost 'Neverland Ranch" too). Since then, the Beatles catalogue has been, by far, the greatest success story in the history of the entertainment industry.

There is a terrific book about this show (I forget it's title, sorry) where they mention that the "Real Families" episode likely hurt them in the ratings, since it wasn't clear in the first few minutes that it wasn't an actual show, so confused WKRP fans tuned out - likely under the assumption that it had been jacked

I'm guessing that this show is about to take a really dark turn over the Governor's scandal - and a character will turn up dead. I'm guessing it'll be the mob-henchman guy, but it could be Melissa George's character. Is Josh Charles' contract up at the end of the year?

Here's a question: the review above, like your comment, loathes the attempt by this movie to make rape funny, and generally condemns it for misogyny. But then in the same article it lambastes the PG sequels for not delivering on the raunchy goods we expect from a T&A comedy.
So can anyone name a comedy from this era

Anyone in here a comics fan? This debate (is using technology a hacky, "trick" that takes away from the "art" of the art-form) rages on in comics. Google the name Greg Land. I will admit to being a casual fan of his work (still am, I guess) but it did make me feel a bit icky to see how much of his work was being

I watched this movie thinking that this town was essentially the same one from "It's a Wonderful Life". Hate on that too, Scott?

Actually, it's an absolutely bang on character moment, if you, like me, read Sheldon as being on the Autism spectrum. It's one of those moments that highlights his (accurately portrayed) lack of empathy. That the suffering of an entire race isn't as meaningful as his own (trivial) misfortune strikes me as very

To everyone who thinks that the Governor is beyond redemption (including the reviewer):
Ever wonder if you would have been able to root for Will Money in Unforgiven, if you had actually seen an on screen portrayal of his killings of "women and children" instead of just hearing spoken expositional references to them?