committed to Sparkle Motion


For the Cos' the pants thing and the rap music and the… was part of his act - those were punchlines.
His real message (when he was serious) was about black men aspiring to be more than thugs - getting an education, and jobs, and taking responsibility for the children they produce. The right and the left will argue

Well written and I agree with everything you have said, except for your opening statement.
Their tactic DID take. Most black people believe that he (like OJ and MJ before him) is innocent.

More likely is that at least 1 in 12 people don't want to put someone in jail because someone else SAYS they committed a crime. It should be - and is - hard to convict anyone of a crime where all evidence is witness based and circumstantial.
The penalty that we all have to live with to live in a society where your

That's what I thought, when I read the headline! And if anyone would know chlamydia - those guys got more ass than Sinatra back in the day!

More likely, the heart of the debate is what constitutes EVIDENCE of rape. It is still the rule of law that it takes more than accusation to convict. As monstrous as the thought of Cosby getting away with it is, a society where convictions can be based entirely on claims of the accusers is even more terrifying. The

Interesting.. I don't love the Perez and Rucka runs for the exact reasons you seem to love them. Gorgeous art aside, the Perez run especially really watered her personality down to making her a female Clark. Really, that watering down started in the 70s with the laughable "Diana Prince: super spy fashion model" or

"Making Wonder Woman a fighter who resorts to violence before anything else" is pretty much the essence of the character. It's what she is and how she was raised - more than any other JLA character (except maybe Hawkman) she is a warrior. In the pre-new52 continuity, she realizes that this can be a limitation and

the new 52 take on her godly relatives would be fun. Actors could have a lot of fun with the roles of Stryfe, Apollo, Hermes, First Born. All were really well imagined. You could also follow the basic plotline too - WW is protecting a fellow Zeus-bred bastard baby from his vengeful wife. It would also be

Apparently, that one pin up of Betty Grable is almost singularly responsible for the mass acceptance of women routinely shaving their legs. I read this in the same article that claimed that the one photo of the Beatles flashing a "peace" sign at the Tokyo airport is why most Asians do that in all pictures to this day

They are warriors and hunters. As such, they are concerned with their ability to be as stealthy as possible. Removing armpit hair makes their natural body odor easier to mask and helps them to be even more undetectable to an opponent.

That's two nicely written pieces in a row on the cultural importance of this film. Won't it be interesting if it turns out to be the 20-teens version of Pulp Fiction in terms of it's scope of genre-defining influence.

How many of those co-workers are black? Is this the new OJ - where identity politics completely overrides reason and logic. And I wonder how many people like this found their way onto this jury?

You are not the first person that I have heard say that.

Give Red State a try. It's a nice little thriller. Dogma is fun, too.

Clark, for years, assumes that the stories from neighboring Gotham about a crime fighting bat are just an urban legend and fodder for tabloids. It isn't until the "branded" dudes end up in prison, getting killed because they are branded that respectable media (Clark) start to think that this isn't just Gotham

I don't get how this messes up the current timeline either. In B vs S Batman is definitely over 40. Say he started as Batman at 25. Solo until 30. Trained and worked with Dick for 5 years (Dick's ages from 15 to 20). Dick leaves for college/Nightwing. Picks up Jason at 31 or so - only works with him for a few

That's oversimplifying his position quite a bit. He looked at the Islamic-theocracy-governed nations of the middle east and compared them to the fascist-governed nations of WWII era Europe. He asked: Why isn't the rest of the world banding together now for a similar attempt to eradicate an obvious enemy to

Canuck here: Agreeing with Dan that the Trump thing isn't funny anymore. It was at first, back when he was just the most out there of a whole bunch of out there rich white guys in the running for the GOP - back when no one thought he had even the slightest hope of winning.
What's worse, is that It won't be nearly as