committed to Sparkle Motion

I think at some point they will explain that the virus responsible for re-animation also somehow manages to ward off decomposition, or at least slow it down

Dallas and Travis Good are the greatest living guitar players in the world.  If you don't like the Sadies, you hate rock and roll.  And country.  And music.

I think the key to any comics shop surviving is diversifying.  I'm pretty sure my local brick-and-mortar "comic" store is making far greater profit from:  RPG cards/supplies, manga, collectible toys/statues, t-shirts…etc than they are from comics themselves.

Wow. My retailer is even more Forever Evil than I imagined.  Christ.  He never even put the $2.99 versions on the shelves.

Gee, I would like to buy and read these "special" books, like I have been since the beginning of their New 52 runs, but for each and every one of the "23.1" issues on the stand yesterday, the price had been jacked up from it's cover price of $3.99 to $12.99.  I realize that this is mostly the fault of the crooked

Next to the plane save and the bullet to the eyeball, the best scene for me is when the kid flings the piano at Luthor's henchman.  That got applause at my screening.

Agreed, it has dragged on too long.  And I really miss the weird and wonderful look Travel Foreman gave the first 8 issues.

Totally agree with you.  Ever hear "The Conet Project"?  Recordings of Numbers Stations.  Freaks me right the eff out.

Totally agree with you.  Ever hear "The Conet Project"?  Recordings of Numbers Stations.  Freaks me right the eff out.

I got really into the Beatles at a very young age and
had a pretty complete collection of their records by age 10 or so. It wasn't
until my early teens that I could stand to listen to Revolution 9. Something
about it just creeped me out. To this day I find it both grating and creepy.
Lately, I have the same

I got really into the Beatles at a very young age and
had a pretty complete collection of their records by age 10 or so. It wasn't
until my early teens that I could stand to listen to Revolution 9. Something
about it just creeped me out. To this day I find it both grating and creepy.
Lately, I have the same