
They need to not have episodes where Glenn Close cries she is an ugly crier.

They need to not have episodes where Glenn Close cries she is an ugly crier.

The onloy thing I would have ginven them a pass on for this was IF the stuff they gave him to get over the WORMWOOD exposure was something in a shot but since I was half paying attention at the point where they gave it to him I can't even go with that. IT would have meant he was just carrying around his "treatments"

Also do you have a boat I can borrow to go throw his body in the bay because well umm mine is kind of jacked up right now?

Maybe they were going deeper than we thought here….They went with the whole biblical aspect  this year to draw a parallel.. This season like the Bible don't hold up so well when you apply logic. So throw logic out the window and maybe this season will make more sense……..actually it is the only way it MIGHT make sense

Yeah but it was still great.

Which is hilarious they must have walked to the door and saw the two dead people and then said "OH SORRY WE CAN'T PASS THIS POINT TILL DEXTER SHOWS UP" WTF the picture could have easily been explained away as Travis knew Dex stopped Wormwood. Yeah it would have tied him in to the LAKE OF FIRE thing since his boat went

Yeah also the fact she notices the knife on the counter but doesn't step on any of the Cheerios?

How do you get a kid and an unconscious guy all the way down a skyscraper and NO ONE NOTICES THIS? Where was the second cop on the roof weren't they all supposed to be in groups of two? Why did they conveniently wait for Dex to show to this one crime scene they never did that before? Why would Deb not have her gun

Liked the line where the guy found the nun's habit and no nun and Nate simply responded "THE RAPTURE"

Yeah cause that Big Bang Theory is so close to breaking what? 30 comments. It's having a slow week because the Community review actually got posted first so there was no hostile takeover this week.

The correct answer would have contained the word WOOD. Ya know since she was a tree and….ah forget it.

The beginning when Troy taking that one of Anie's "Boobies" dying was great.


Oh cool a Robogeisha crossover?

Nah I have to agree Dexter is a non entertaining train wreck this year and Walking Dead getting stuck on the stupid farm and the fetch quests was pretty drab this season. Both of those were background noise while I was doing other stuff. AHS I actually find myself actively watching. It's sad that Dexter's reveal this

He's in cahoots with Lewis and he sent him the boat's IPA address or some such nonsense.

I also like that Doomsday Adam's wife was like NO WE CAN'T KILL HER then after Travis did the actual killing it was okay for the husband to go all stabby stab on her.

They went to Disney I think they came back they kind of wanted to stay with Dex then he sent them away never to be heard from again. Oh wait didn't Astor come down after that to have the friend with the abusive dad episodes?