
Yeah Quinn is a joke. He had pictures of Dex dumping garbage bags in  the Harbor last season and then just let it all go away in the name of love for Deb. So wouldn't have it made a better story line (not that those matter on the show anymore) to have him go after Dexter to get back at Deb. Instead he becomes not very

Nah Quinn will survive because when the whole place is poisoned he'll be having a booze induced  orgy in a Waffle House parking lot and totally sleep through the attack. Then guilt ridden Quinn will become the best detective ever and have Miami Metro's crime stats to 100% solved…well except for the people that Dex

The landlord watching QUANTUM LEAP porn was prety funny.

Yeah $19 a piece

You could be wrong but ….nope you aren't.

Ahh who needs an excuse it is one of the only shows I don't delete afer one viewing and I watch it live.

They didn't move her stuff into the Dreamatorium.,They gave her the bedroom, they moved into the blanket fort and the Dreamatorium is still untouched.

The Whitney review is up before Community and Parks and Rec I think the site just jumped the shark possibly

Cause she works for free and free is all they can afford.

Yeah did that already.

Yeah just like the Yogi Bear trailer had a song that had the F-Bomb dropping in it…….Nothing like kid friendly music in kid stuff huh? Guess it makes it "edgy" or something….pathetic.

Yes but more importantly you get to comfort a distraught Annie.  Win Win

I loved Jeff's line something like "With all due respect sir. I have no respect for you."

Yeah their new thing is grabbing random Facebook and Twitter comments. No comment on whether any of those users are actually cast and crew of said horrible show.