The Puzzler

Given the leaks at HBO, this seems like taking bets on who will survive a performance of Hamlet.

Was Bronn the only one in that army who knew how to use the Scorpion? I mean, presumably they brought it along specifically to deal with dragons; seems a bit of an omission not to have someone in charge of it.

Presumably they're going to hold off that revelation until after Jon sleeps with Dany. Then Bran will be, like, ha ha gross dude!

Do they even have a recipe for dragon-killing poison?

Surely everyone believes in self-rule to the extent that they don't want to be conquered by foreigners?

The music is just a verification signal to confirm that Apple have uploaded their software over your car's firmware so they can monitor your location and take full control if you ever upgrade to a self-driver.

North Korea almost certainly does now have the ability to drop a small nuke or two on the US.

The next one out will be the middle one of the new trilogy, and given how closely the Force Awakens adhered to the formula, they could easily decide to ape Empire Strikes Back this time.

No, that's the canonical name! Anyone who's memorised wookieepedia would know that and be outraged by it!

I think that's one of the main changes: movie studios have got better at appealing to mainstream audiences. Every month or so there's a competently made (or at least competently marketed) superhero movie, or Star Wars sequel, or Fast & Furious, or Hunger Games, or Disney/Pixar animation, or whatever. Sufficient to

It's usually cheaper to force a kid to go to a movie than it is to hire a babysitter.

Did the car then fail to start as the serial killer slowly approached you?

So if he was 119 in… 2016? …that means he was born in 1897 and would have been 49 in that scene. So he was either very young looking for his age, or had been turned in the previous couple of decades.

I never entirely liked that Futurama line. Either Joey or Phoebe could easily have taken Ross in a fight. Ross would be the first one eaten.

Back then, everyone either copied her hairstyle or used her butt as a pillow.

House is one of the few major TV shows that didn't really do crossovers, so it's not part of the 'Tommyverse'. Friends, on the other hand, appears to share a universe with shows including Breaking Bad, The Wire and My Mother, the Car.

We need an episode of Rick and Beth going on an adventure.

She's a coprophagia specialist. Her sense of what's crass might be a bit different to yours.

Talking about the spoils of war: Hey, Dany, when you're fighting a battle, don't focus on destroying the loot. Kill the enemy, then steal the loot. Starving people to death by burning their food is not better than burning down castles.

1) Because people might not have believed her?
2) OK.