The Puzzler

If Renly had won, it would probably have led to elective succession, a system that was fairly stable. The old king dies, a new king is needed, so the powerful people of the kingdom get together and decide who the next king should be.

For some reason I find it easier to believe that a raven can be trained to fly to a particular place than that they can travel at 300mph.

"the show seems to be doing pretty well so it’s OK to have people with those concerns.”

Those things are magic.
If the ravens are magic ravens, that's fine. But they need to tell us that. Otherwise we'll assume that ravens move at the speed of birds, and we'll be thinking, "Gosh, how can these guys possibly hold out for the several days it will take for the raven to fetch help?"

And there'll be an invisible alien that only Tyrion can see!

The whole concept of a "rightful heir" pretty much went out the window when the Baratheons took over by "right of conquest". If Robert can be king because he defeated the previous king, why can't Cersei be queen because she murdered everyone in King's Landing who dared to oppose her? It makes as much sense as anything

Might be a cool moment if they kill the Night King and nothing happens.


All swans belong to the Queen of England and only she is permitted to kill or eat them, something she does most days. This became international law at the end of World War Two. Stalin agreed to this, as long as he was allowed to have East Berlin.

A Dracolich is a dragon who voluntarily ties its soul to a phylactery in order to free itself from death. Who is the real fake nerd here?

Did they say it was a single night?

But in the early days characters died before you expected it. We could imagine futures where Nedd joins the Night Watch, where Khal Drogo invades Westeros, where Robb continues to fight the Lannisters, where Joffrey continues his reign of petulance until the kingdom boils over into revolution. In retrospect their

The actual dialogue was:
Jorah: We could go for the Walkers, maybe we'll stand a chance…
Jon: No, we need to take that thing back with us.

I'd like to see him matching wits with Littlefinger. They always had a fun relationship.

I hope that's sarcasm. I wouldn't want to be judged over that time I killed a bunch of children.

An oddsmaker who miscalculates the odds is something to treasure; the next best thing to an incompetent but confident poker player.

If he was widely believed to be the son of Robert (based on the testimony of, say, Littlefinger), and Dany married him, that might make her more acceptable to the people of Westeros.

It's not just about recognising them. If you can't make out the face, they can't do proper acting.

From a modern perspective: she's funny, because she's so serious. She has an innate dignity that can be undermined to comic effect (such as by mentioning her underwear).

Is it worth mentioning that Queen Victoria wore split-crotch panties?