The Puzzler

Really? An army can march in single file if necessary.

Apparently the actor didn't return for any more scenes…

This is a pretty dumb show, with plenty of good stuff to distract you from how dumb it is.

Wait… It's been more like 32 years since Thunderdome, hasn't it?

I was under the impression that Jaime did believe Tyrion killed Joffrey - Tyrion 'confessed', and he had plenty of motive. He'll now be more predisposed to patch things up with Tyrion, if the war doesn't make that impossible.

That Thunderdome parody was at least 21 years too late.

I'm one of Batman's least memorable villains, so I think I have a stronger claim of article relevance. And I wasn't even mentioned! That's how un-memorable I am!

I saw it as "I'm not trying to s*** my own c***."
Which has so many possible interpretations.

I think they built it by putting some rocks on top of some other rocks?

On "How Did This Get Made?" someone always suggests a "Jacob's Ladder scenario" where everything after a particular point in the story is the protagonist's dying fever dream.

Is being forced to sell your home the same as being made homeless? People who are renting or living with their parents aren't going to have much sympathy for such a campaign, because they're already in the situation of not owning property.

The Hound stole all their money.

We don't care at all about the farmer and daughter? Even I think that's cold, and I'm a psychopath.

Jon also made a stupid mistake and died for it (he got better). He doesn't just need to be smarter than they were, he needs to be smarter than he was.

Remind me - did the last storyline make sense? I seem to remember the Scarrans heard that there were plants on earth that were the same as the plants he blew up (implausible, but whatever), and then they immediately travelled to earth, even though that was impossible without control of wormhole technology? Did I miss

"How to walk" is exactly the kind of thing we don't know, because we do that by instinct. We know how to multiply 12345 by 67890, because we can't do it instinctively, so we need a system. But if I ask someone to describe the exact muscle movements necessary to move along efficiently and not fall over, they wouldn't

Why is every recipe that calls itself "beguilingly simple" always followed by two pages of detailed instructions for a process that requires you to start preparing days in advance?

I once saw a satirical alternative ending (by Stewart Lee I think) where after seeing the Statue of Liberty, Charlton Heston shrugs and says it's probably just a coincidence, ignoring it in the same way he ignores all the other the evidence, such as the fact that the same species evolved on both planets, the apes all

You'd expect the effort of keeping ape butlers from killing you to be too great to justify them, but slavery somehow existed in the real world for thousands of years…

Yes, but robots would never rebel against the human race. I mean, no-one could even imagine such a thing.