The Puzzler

I think there's a timeline chart if you bought the DVD that actually 'explains' the Burton ending (involving parallel universes, apes going back in time through the space vortex, etc.) So it secretly makes sense, but not to anyone who only watched it.

La La Land basically did this.

Yeah, but he probably just traced over some photos of demons.

The 'joke' as it's normally told is that the US foolishly wasted millions developing a space pen while missing the obvious solution: a pencil. It relies on the person hearing it not saying, "Wouldn't using a pencil in zero gravity result in little bits of pencil floating around, getting into the cosmonauts' eyes?"

If regeneration won't work, it means we'll have to get Missy back instead of some newbie, perhaps using the "I remembered what he was going to do so I made preparations" trick. The new reformed Missy let the Master believe he'd killed her, because she was being kind to him.

I think Facebook abandoned the idea after they realised it would just lead to their users reporting anything they didn't like as fake.

Your best friend Harry has a brother Larry. Larry is getting married. Larry has schizoid personality disorder; the only people he's ever been able to connect with are you, Harry, and his future bride. You don't even like Larry that much, but you feel sorry for him, and have always tried to sympathise with him. Harry,

I'm a Netflix subscriber and it wouldn't bother me at all if Netflix held this back from streaming for three weeks to try to sell some movie tickets.

I'm the hiphopapotamus
My lyrics are bottomless!

Not enough people I suspect…

He originally called himself Master Baiter, but he later changed it to The Master for some reason.

He said that he couldn't use it accurately enough that close to a black hole.

A lot of the other male survivors got persecuted too.

"It’s not enough to teach someone how to make Ryu shoot a fireball out of his hands. You need to teach them why and when to shoot a fireball out of his hands."
So, I just assumed that the reason to shoot a fireball was that your opponent was too far away to be punched or kicked. Maybe I was being hopelessly naive about

I hear that a lot. When was the last time this actually happened?

Mythbusters did a sinking boat experiment, and found no evidence for the suction theory. (Admittedly, their boat was smaller than the Titanic…)

I think the idea being that the ropes between the lifeboats would have provided support for all the others or something?

What reason do you have to believe the sea worms weren't trying to communicate with you telepathically?

Lethal dose of bleach is 3.6 grams (at a typical liquid concentration of 5.25%) per kilogram of the drinker's weight. So a gallon of bleach (about 3.8kg) would be fatal to anyone who weighed less than a metric tonne.

The people actually doing that have never had to make that call. "Slow down" is a more reliable solution than "sacrifice the life of the driver to save the family who have walked in front of his car".