The Puzzler

Differences in the situations:
(a) Why pick on that particular colonoscopy patient? With the trolley problem, it's an urgent choice between two groups. With the surgery problem, there are other options available. For example, you could get the five patients who need different organ transplants to decide among

She was thinking, "I'm twenty percent ahead in the polls. There's no way that support could all evaporate in the next few weeks, so I'll be re-elected with a huge majority and then wield absolute power for the next five years."

To me it's less a case of the aliens being stupid as them being aliens that work by weird alien-magic rules. Like those stone angels who can't move if you're looking at them. That makes no sense to me, but once I accept it I can work from that premise.

I had a theory a while back that if Trump is secretly quite intelligent (and just dumbs things down to appeal to stupid people) then part of his plan for the Presidency was to default on America's national debt. After all, he has a history of ridding himself of debt through declaring bankruptcy. That two trillion

How is this version of Barry bulletproof? He's not metal all over. He only survives by somehow reacting fast enough to block bullets with his arms. Is that a cyborg power? And if so, why doesn't that work against cyborg dogs? They've got to be slower than bullets. And if they're too powerful to be stopped, how were

And it somehow looks more visually impressive than Guy Ritchie's King Arthur, despite having a fraction of one percent of the budget.

Galahad finds the Grail in most versions. Gawain is someone else. And the Green Knight is someone else again.

A cult following is nice, but that comment's still going to lose millions of dollars.

You could never sell that concept to the manufacturers.

I enjoy walking very very slowly when someone does this.

What I learned from this article: even when someone's thinking, “I might be about to get murdered,” they'll still go along with it when you say, "Leave your phone in this basket," as long as there's a couple of hundred dollars on the line.

It's not wrong to want things! But actually eating something associated with animal cruelty and environmental damage once there's a healthier vegetarian alternative that tastes identical seems like it ought to cause you some soul searching.

One set in a city where doors are opened by locks that require you to insert three chess pieces?

He's not in many episodes this season.

The bit in Bill's flat could have been shown from Penny's viewpoint - she hasn't been on the TARDIS so wouldn't know what the Pope is saying.

Or maybe you've found a competent fund manager. The whole stock market is built around the idea that smart people like Warren Buffett can look at companies and work out which ones are going to be the most profitable and make big profits. And if people have invested billions of dollars with this guy already, surely he

Burglars aren't exactly the least threatening kind of criminal. Maybe you'll come back while they're burgling you and it will turn into a fight. At best, you discover that your home has been violated. That doesn't exactly make it easier to sleep at night.

You know, Nathan Rabin's Happy Place Literature Society is basically exactly the same nice thing, and is available on the same internet.

You do see poor people making bad financial decisions on modern TV - for example Bob's Burgers and Two Broke Girls… But neither of them feel like they're taking place in reality or that there could be real consequences to their mistakes.

As I understand it, he was a guy whose head was cut off at one point and put on to some kind of life-support system that fed oxygen directly to his brain. The Doctor has arranged some kind of new humanoid body for him. Judging by this episode, it's probably an organic/cloned body with normal lungs.