The Puzzler

Suspension of disbelief breaks down at different points for different people. When you can't make sense of character's actions, you stop trying to fix the story in your head, and start trying to pick it apart instead. "Why aren't these characters excited by the this dead alien? Surely this is one of the greatest finds

The best way to make Amazon deliveries secure would be to make the automonous delivery-robots not look like 'suitcases' at all. Instead, they should be powerful metal endoskeletons with external layers of living tissue to makes them appear human. Preferably big, strong humans with menacing Austrian accents. No-one

St Eye-Wank

Yeah! I hate that dating app concept too!

There's a fan theory that The Wall is made from a trapped ice dragon.

What are you, some kind of book reader?

I believe you are incorrect about the initial reception of I'm Too Sexy. From a recent Guardian article:
"Every label turned us down. Our booking agent sacked us when he heard it. Island Records went to the trouble of sending a fax telling us they hated it and no one would play it. One of the DJ responses was: “Don’t

Adjusted for inflation, Cecil's sense of how much things cost is way worse than Lucille's.

Nonsense! Real freedom of speech is being able to say whatever I want, wherever I want! If I can't print my offensive opinions on the front page of other peoples' newspapers, or tattoo my offensive opinions onto strangers' faces without their permission, I might as well be living in Nazi Germany!

An animal eating another animal seems like an unrepresentative sample of living activity. What about a fruit-eating animal? Fruit exists for the purposes of dispersing seeds so this benefits both the devourer and devouree. Even if global pleasure exceeds pain, it isn't necessarily inevitable that it will continue to

In an actual dream, it wouldn't mean much. In a TV dream, it means what the writers/viewers want it to mean. So we can draw upon Freud if we want.

I've been depressed lots of times.

"Hydra’s existence predates the Nazis in both Marvel comics and movies/TV shows"
Not sure that's what you meant to say? Hydra has existed in comics since 1965. Pretty sure Nazis were invented before that.

The Matrix already lost me when Trinity said, "Dodge this!" before firing her gun at the Agent. The Agent is fast enough to dodge moving bullets, but doesn't even try to move out the way while she's talking?

Well, that saved me a trip to Iceland.

Pam is agenda-neutral.

Some would call them pedantic, but your frantic semantic antics are so gigantic, news of them has crossed the Atlantic!
(Sorry if that sounded sycophantic.)

"Did the fact that King Henry had beheaded his previous wife make you in any way reluctant to marry him?"
"Hey, compared to my last husband who cheated on me with fifteen women and stole all my money, he was a pretty great guy."

Telling the daughters to cover up immediately humanises these characters for the audience (especially those who haven't seen the earlier episodes with the Scotsman) and makes us care whether or not they survive the battle.

Going to Jupiter and resurrecting the dead was a great idea! Think about how much easier it would be to build spaceships for dead people - no food supplies needed, no oxygen problems. If only people had listened to this important message, we'd all be immortal spacemen by now.