The Puzzler

Since when do people on this site not recognize Simpsons references?

Game design isn't usually all that awesome either. Your instructions will probably be, "We're making a clone of the most popular free-to-play game on the market. Please spend the next few months making spreadsheets containing all the numbers we'll need."

The mystery being: Good actor or bad actor?

Because browsers can play them easily. No 'you must download a codec' error messages, no 'this video is not available in your region', no YouTube adverts. And most people nowadays have fast enough broadband that the efficiency loss doesn't matter - especially if you keep them short, which encourages strict editing.

If Hillary won, they'd probably have focused more on the men against women thing - Cartman's sudden fear of women taking over would have made more sense. Maybe the two Bills and the berries would have attempted to restore the old order. "Member when men were in charge?"

A shame - I hoped this sequel would explore the constitutional laws concerning Fresh Princedom. Did Will Smith's character ever succeed to the throne and become a Fresh King? Or is Bel Air a Fresh Principality where there is no higher rank of nobility?

"Myrrh? You might as well have bought a bottle of formaldehyde."
"Just tell 'em it's symbolic."

I have no particular opinion about this! I have decided to take no further interest in these books until they're finished because I'm not entirely confident that there'll be a satisfactory conclusion! But I want to comment anyway!

OK. How about: "If you think all musicals that aren't Hamilton sound the same, you've proven yourself too musically ignorant to be worth debating"?

Even after launch, it was still being advertised using a fake-gameplay video showing many features that weren't in the game (giant predator creatures knocking down trees as they chased prey, a spaceship you can control precisely, etc.)

Tip: if you ask someone a question and they don't say yes or no, the truth is whichever answer they wouldn't want to admit.

JK Rowling is now a Harry/Hermione shipper.

If I recall correctly, the short story was like three pages long and consisted of a guy getting implanted with fake memories that coincidentally turn out to be true.

Everyone knows executive stress - the terrible stress you get from having a high-paid job - causes heart attacks. It was in an episode of Friends and everything. All the evidence that in real life it's people with low-status badly paid jobs who have the worst stress and heart problems is irrelevant because we live in

Anti-comedy must never come into contact with actual comedy, because the resulting eruption of comic potential energy might destroy your entire world.

Hollywood: if you don't want me to pirate movies, all you have to do is continue with your current policy of releasing virtually nothing I have any interest in watching. If you do that, I will continue with my current policy of not pirating your movies, or going to the cinema more than once every few months.

Also, that thing they did in 1920s cartoons where they misspell words all the time (like 'offisa' and 'heppy'), presumably to indicate a funny accent: Mildly annoying or very annoying?

Krazy Kat: male or female?

This episode tells us he has enough customers that he gets through hundreds (thousands?) of dollars of beef a month. Presumably we mostly only see the quiet periods when the characters have time to mess around.

Hey! Don't talk like that about Churchill!