The Puzzler

I know way more people who watch GoT illegally than watch OitNB illegally.

Although, "Tommen disappeared and Cersei decided to declare herself queen and not bother looking for him" isn't the most plausible plot.

Being stabbed in the stomach is also usually fatal. The people running this show seem to have a fairly vague idea of what it takes to kill someone.

There's a fair amount of heartbreak along the way in Aladdin too - like the fact that he can't possibly marry Jasmine due to his low social status. He accepts employment from Jafar, going from one bad job (street thief) to another in the pursuit of fulfilling work. And the genie's eager-to-please personality is highly

Right now, she's whatever she wants to be. No-one in King's Landing is going to correct her.

A casual viewer probably wouldn't remember who Rhaegar was. There's a lot of characters to keep track of, and he's not one we've ever met. Still, anyone who cares can look this stuff up.

Those are presumably magic creatures that exist in the Potterverse version of America. They just named their houses after the local wildlife.

That would have been awesome.

"Is he strong? Listen bud,
He's got radioactive blood."

The whole "sovereignty" thing isn't (to me) a good argument, but it's one that I can see other people believing in.

I don't remember the words of the prophecy, but wasn't it something along the lines of "someone younger and prettier than you will supplant you"? That's something that was pretty much guaranteed to happen sooner or later.

No-one but Bran knows, and he's not currently in any position to prove it.

That seems out of character. She refused to kill for money.

I was looking for an explanation of why she didn't tell him. Instead she just seems to have done it for no reason beyond added drama.

I thought it was, like, thirty years? Is it specified anywhere?

Daenerys has chemistry with everyone.

"Eh, so she killed a child. Who hasn't?"

The god - if he exists - didn't specifically request that. It was just Melisandre's guessing at what he wants, as usual.

I've played the Game of Thrones boardgame - armies move slowly, but you can get practically anywhere in a single turn if you've got ships.

The maesters aren't into magic - if he learns to be a wizard, it will be without their help.