The Puzzler

Reviewer means "Cersei is incurring debts; since a Lannister always pays his/her debts, Cersei will be forced to pay for what she's done (presumably with her life)."

The purpose of the "expert" review is to allow the expert commenters to nit-pick without annoying the newbies.

Surely that's the Northeners, declaring their independence without thinking through the consequences of cutting off trade with the lands that can actually produce food during winter.

The king was threatening to burn down the city, not just one building…

There are no immediate rival claimants, and everyone is scared of her. I don't see her lasting long in the job, but I can see people shrugging and going along with it.

Yeah, stick her in a dungeon and keep her there until you need her. Exile doesn't achieve anything.

I'm not entirely clear on why they wanted him as King either. "Well, he may be illegitimate, and he's invited Wildlings into our lands, and he's a bad military tactician, but… um…"

I'm suddenly imagining Cersei as Queen Elizabeth I. Ruled as a single woman with no children. Defeated a foreign armada with the help of the weather. When she died without heir, the King of Scotland (ie the North) was invited to take over the throne and unite the kingdoms.

Oh, and Lady Mormont.

Given that Dany, Cersei, Yara, Olenna, Sansa, and whatshername from Dorne are all major players now, I think the patriarchy are losing.

Olenna would have been at the trial otherwise.

Is it a magic power? Or did she just have to swipe a face from Jaen's collection?

She won, but she's got to be completely screwed now. Dany has dragons, Tyrells, Dornish, Greyjoys, Dothraki and Unsullied. Cersei has lost the North, the Freys… basically any potential allies. Maybe she'll get Euron?

Some people prefer bland.

Even if we'd lost World War Two, Hitler would never have succeeded at making us work hard enough to learn other languages.

To be more clear about why the market has fallen: EU membership guarantees free trade with other EU countries. Without that, there may be tariffs and trade wars that cause all kinds of businesses to fail, leading to recession.

Rating something at Never to One does seem a bit unprofessional.

I find this sort of thing offensive! First we had the 'magical negro' stereotype. Then the 'manic pixie dream girl'. Then the 'gay best friend'. Now we have magical corpses who have nothing better to do than help living (white, male) people out with their emotional problems! When are we going to get corpse roles where

Reminds me of the Yoda question: why does he shuffle around with a cane given that he is capable of incredible acrobatic feats? Possibility one: He believes that force powers should not be used lightly. Possibility two: He is claiming fraudulent disability payments.

I'd actually be OK with Jar-Jar coming back. I hated him in Phantom Menace, where they tried to portray him as a zany comedy hero, but in the other prequels they portrayed him as an overpromoted idiot who ruins everything, which matched how I saw him.