The Puzzler

"nukes in the fridge"?
I thought he survived a nuke by hiding in a fridge. I didn't know there were nukes in the fridge he was hiding in as well.

More specifically:
Buy any regular colored property you can. Get a monopoly. Mortgage off anything else so you can put at least three houses on every property you can.

The Railroads are OK if you can get enough of them. Electric Company and Water Works are the worthless ones.

I wasn't that into the battle.


They should kill off anyone who can bring people back to life. If death is a temporary state, it really undermines this kind of storytelling.

I was mainly thinking of something John Cleese said about why Life of Brian is a better Python movie than Meaning of Life: because when a sketch-movie stops being funny, it isn't really anything.

Jokes don't land 100% of the time. A comedy where you care about the story will carry you through the bits where you aren't laughing.

Also, I'm not convinced Riddell and Steve 'joined Gatins and Morgan after they killed Septon Ray and his people'. Given the number of people who got massacred in one place, it seems likely there were more than three doing the killing.

Knock-off? How dare you, sir! How dare you! The way some people talk, you'd think I was merely a substitute character written into an existing Riddler script when Frank Gorshin wasn't available.

And Jamie, if he was there. Possibly Tommen, but he's not very good at it.

Knocking over fruit is considered a minor crime in Braavos, as is assassination. They're punishable by a small fine or community service.

Jaqen probably found the Waif just as annoying as we did.

Even an on-screen death doesn't prove anything any moreā€¦

Just as milk-of-the-poppy is an anaesthetic as good as anything we have today, they also have highly effective antibiotics.

Arya has a lot of hitpoints.

Jamie saved a lot of lives with his negotiating tactics. It's in keeping with his usual chaotic-neutral logic.

"You can trust me to spare the lives of you and your men, because I don't have any grudge against you, because I only care about having sex with my sister." Makes perfect logical sense to me.

Were we supposed to believe, in retrospect, that Varys gave Jorah the info to save her, so he'd gain her trust? (It wasn't played out like that at the time.) I remember Varys also talked the king out of sending a Faceless assassin, which would have been a lot harder to stop.

I wonder if we will get a satisfying final war? I think the factions are coalescing into four main groups:
Team Dany: Unsullied, Dothraki, some of the Ironborn, probably the Dornish