The Puzzler

There's an interesting example of a far-future prediction from the linked Asimov story:
"In his father's youth, the only computers had been tremendous machines taking up a hundred square miles of land. There was only one to a planet. Planetary ACs they were called. They had been growing in size steadily for a thousand

If he somehow isn't dead and he decided to join the Sparrows to turn his life around and they chose him as a champion to fight against his brother in a Trial By Combat, that would be pretty cool. Therefore, there's a good chance it will happen.

I think she was supposed to cut out her normal over-dramatic delivery and just say, "The same thing that happens to everything else," quietly, casually, while walking away. No idea if that would have actually worked better.

Don't forget that the princess is then tortured and her home planet is destroyed, killing millions.

The framing device suggests he winds up ruining everything, which isn't typical for a hero's journey.

Because it was entertaining when Heath Ledger played a nihilistic chaotic terrorist villain who just wanted to 'watch the world burn' (or walk away from the explosion without looking back) and so therefore all other villains must be like that, because if something works once, you do it every time forever. It's the

He owns his baldness.

Speaking as a psychopathic supervillain myself, I found the motive for some of Lex Luthor's actions to be rather opaque.

Do these people ever try not having an opinion about things? Like, I don't have an opinion about if the new Ghostbusters (which I haven't seen) is good, or if it is not good. Is that weird, or just a sign of basic sanity?

An artist working on mainstream comics has to spend a lot of time studing the the writer's scripts, looking at the basic building blocks of the story. That's good training for writing things yourself.

"She was my best friend!"
"Oh, mother, don't be so sentimental. Things explode every day."

"Now, let's see who's really under the Ghost-Mountain mask!"
"Gasp! Khal Drogo!"
"That's right! I wanted to win the kingdom for my wife, so we faked my death in a fire, and I sneaked into Westeros to prepare the way for her. And I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling Stark Kids!"
"Take him away,

I like Neil Gaiman

I think she'll attempt some kind of betrayal during the plan in an attempt to take out the Tyrells and the Sparrows simultaneously.

Simple rule of thumb: if they've ever murdered a ten-year-old, or tried to, they're probably a good guy at heart.

I count four in both.

Archer was presumably thinking of the episodes where they went to the planet that was exactly like Nazi Germany, and the planet that was exactly like 1920's Chicago.

While her twin carried out the murder, presumably.

Yeah, I've sold dozens of babies and I never once broke into song.

Captain America stories often reflect how the mostly liberal writers feel about the way the country is going. So during the Nixon years, he quit and reinvented himself as 'Nomad'. During the George W Bush presidency, he died. During the Obama years, he came back to life.