The Puzzler

Sorry, but women simply aren't as good at busting ghosts as men. It's a simple biological fact. You can't argue with science.

Wait, are you saying you think Batman Returns was extremely disappointing, or that it wasn't disappointing at all?

You could probably illegally download a lot of them on to an e-book reader.

It's got 54% positive on RT. Which is poor compared to, say, Zootopia (98% positive), but not too bad, and if I click on 'Top Critics', the nearest equivalent of 'real critics', it rises to 64% positive. So maybe the angry fanboy with bad punctuation has a point? (I'm certainly not seeing it to find out.)

"If superhero devotees nibble their nails over Superman snapping one
guy’s neck, Toxie’s blithe and nauseatingly creative killing sprees
would send them out of the theater on stretchers."
Not really. It's the specific concept of Superman, who is normally associated with compassion and mercy, killing someone in cold

The menu is on the wall. Regular burger: $5. Burger of the day: $5.95. Cheese: +50c. Fries: $2. Side Salad: $2.50. Soft drink: $2. Beer: $4.

Pretty sure the stuff Loki does is genuine magic.

I've always been a bit nervous to press that. Does the video die, or do the people who made it die?

I'd define Millar's work as "trashy, but memorable" - which I'd rate above comics that are bland and forgettable, i.e,. most of them. His comics are built around high-concept gimmicks, most of which sound like pitches for movies. They often contain things like severely inconsistent characterisation, but that's the

Or you could skip the extras and just invent your own headcanon to fill in the gaps.

I'd say Arya is the only Stark that plausibly applies to.

Anyone in Westeros with dark hair under the age of twenty is one of Robert's bastards.

The Dwarves, maybe. The hobbits seemed to be OK.

I think you guys have the English civil war metaphor the wrong way round. Tony is a Roundhead (Right but Repulsive) and Cap is a Cavalier (Wrong but Wromantic).

Alternative plan without Xanatos Roulette:

I found the power level of Ultron's various bodies really unclear.

Is he really top 5? Without his robot arm, he's nothing special.

I still can't understand why that HYDRA base - something the military could probably have handled - merited calling out all the Avengers, and not the stuff from Iron Man 3.

Iron Man's suits can pull out whatever ability the plot needs. And I don't really get Daredevil. I thought he operated by radar, but apparently he can't detect fight ninjas unless he can hear their heartbeats or something.

They should at least have showed Scarlet Witch trapping him in a force bubble that takes him a while to escape from or something, because he seemed to spend several minutes hiding behind the camera not doing anything.