The Puzzler


They rejected the dog robot thing because it was too noisy.

So, these albums sold about two million copies between them? By modern standards, that's not a flop.

I don't see it losing a lot of money. It's one of those movies people want to see, if only so they can complain about how bad it is.

Wolverine murders a lot of people and gets away with it because (a) silly costume, and (b) mostly they're only ninjas he's killing. Deadpool kills a lot of people but makes jokes about it so we're OK with it. If Frank Castle would just have the sense to wear yellow and use a gun that fires exploding boxing gloves, he

I only watch hentai for the excellent stories and characterisation!

Why was Shore Leave dressed as Brock? I can't see how that helped the plan.

I think that show could exist. They just need to hire some people to help out with the writing, or whatever it is that's slowing them down. I know it's not easy putting together a team of good writers, but other shows manage it somehow.

Really, she has a strong motivation for not wanting to kill Rusty - how would her husband feel about someone else killing his nemesis?

Sean Connery's was. Shame he was playing a Spaniard.

You read these things for the serious analysis to explain the mystery of box-office failures?

I was watching this on Netflix and I thought, this would be really good if they just cut out the third of it that is just there to tell us what's going to happen later on and what's already happened. Some day people are going to start making TV that allows for the possibility that it might be watched by people who

Learning to accept the things you cannot change (Wreck-It-Ralph) is just as important a life lesson as learning to change the things you cannot accept (Zootopia).

Most people over the age of 45 equate album with vinyl.

Sure, in our universe, there's no friendly fire in TF2. But the Venture-verse is a more violent and confrontational place than our own.

So, they're still not passed along to a psychiatrist who can evaluate whether these letter writers (who are incapable of telling fiction from reality, and who assume a detective from the 19th century would still be alive today) are a danger to the public?

I stopped watching Lost much earlier than that, partly because they killed off a character that I didn't like. It was one of the people from the 'other half of the plane' who had appeared, had some boring backstory, didn't do much, and then died abruptly. Up until then I had held out the hope that seemingly boring

That wasn't necessary, though, because no-one would do that.

Wasn't the original Muppet show about 50% mean? Statler & Waldorf mocking Fozzie's weak comedy, or someone insulting Piggy's looks until she beat them up, or monsters eating the smaller Muppets, or Dr Honeydew mistreating Beaker?

They aren't allowed to eat other animals, so they only eat humans. They're humanitarians.