The Puzzler

Brock seems a lot less competent these days.

"Do you seriously expect this court to believe that a race as isolationist as the Romulans would share key technologies with the unpredictable Klingon empire?"

You know, they have established that it is possible for dead people to come back to life, so there's really nothing they could do to prove someone is dead.

I'm pretty sure he has an ending in mind, and did so since he was writing it as a trilogy; he just doesn't have a finite plan to get us to the ending.

"Now you and your descendants are chattel for all time" wasn't quite the message. A freed slave automatically became a Roman citizen. They used the hope of liberty to encourage loyalty.
Some foreigners who wanted the equivalent of a green card sold themselves into slavery, leaving money with a friend to bribe their new

"Dammit, Oliver. I don't mind you cheating, or getting a woman pregnant. I don't mind you lying to me about it. But lying to me for a contrived plot reason in order to stir up more formulaic drama is unforgivable!"

"Mad Max: Fury Road; an intimate, unassuming movie emphasizing performance over spectacle."

I'm glad they made him bullet proof. 90% of Flash villains are guys who could easily be taken down by any cop with a gun, and the only reason it takes a superhero to bring them down is that everyone forgets to fire.

"We thought that by making your world more violent, we would be making it more 'realistic', more 'adult'. God help us if that's what it means." Grant Morrison, Animal Man

Wonder Woman gets reinvented and rebooted constantly. "She needs to not have superpowers." "She needs to only interact with characters from Greek mythology." "She needs to cut people's heads off." "She needs to return to her roots: lesbian bondage fantasies."

They spent all that money on the rights, probably a similar amount on manufacturing millions of ET game cartridges, and about $3,000 on developing the software. They were too stupid to survive.

Pretty much everyone in this show with a gun needs to learn the "just shoot them" rule.

The average American has one testicle.

The statistic you're looking for is the 'mean'.

His power wasn't particularly relevant. He could have just had an ally stun Monarch and dress up as him.

In most places "chocolate flavored" means that by law a significant amount of chocolate is involved but "chocolate flavor" can be entirely artificial.

You, Me, My Name is Earl, and The Dying Girl, and The Apocalypse Now.

Is there any evidence that the creatures have spaceships and technology at all? The idea that they're some kind of demons who are vulnerable to holy water makes a lot more sense to me.

Which song? Heart of Gold? I always assumed that was about metaphorical gold. Bur maybe it was actually about a guy 'prospecting' by cutting open people's chests to see if there were any precious metals in there?

The moon is called Endor. It orbits a planet called Endor. Both are found in the Endor system.