The Puzzler

I think they were trying to leave open the possibility that she was some horrifying ghoul under the veil, to keep it scary for viewers who are susceptible to that kind of thing,

I don't think that's right? He had just heard about Moriarty coming back to life. He decided to take drugs and meditate upon a hundred and twenty year old unsolved crime which revolved around somebody else apparently coming back to life in the hope it would give him some insight into the Moriarty case. He wanted to

Given his past tendency to escape custody the second anyone makes a slight slip up in holding him, and the large number of innocent people he murders every time that happens, breaking his neck seems like a reasonable precaution.

What? Chickens not good enough for you?

"Next Tarantino Movie An Homage to Beloved Tarantino Movies of Director's Youth" The Onion, September 2009

I think it's because Moffat loves the endless opportunities for ambiguous wordplay. "Fear Me." "Kill Me." "Blow Me."

But what if the Trade Federation tries to blockade you? Think how boring that could be!

This suggests a scenario where the rebel junta default on the debts of the previous government. The banks who lent the government money go under, causing many savers to lose their life savings. No-one is willing to lend to the new government, and many of the richest citizens flee to the periphery. President Leia

The twist was that one of the characters was a very different person to the sort of person you thought he was. (Unless you guessed the twist somehow, in which case he wasn't.) This describes both Sixth Sense & Unbreakable.

Low-key superhero stories still exist on Netflix. See Jessica Jones, etc.

…and that's how I met your mother!

By the end of the episode I'd lost interest in the incoherent story, so it was a pretty poor attempt at tricking me into watching their subliminals.

Best at the start. The long-running plots mostly don't go anywhere very interesting in later seasons.
Compared to Buffy/Angel, it's not as funny, and has fewer fights.

Controlling three galaxies = literally 100,000,000,000s of star systems. In order to expand that fast they'd need to adapt their 'Grunt' technology for exponential growth…

Somehow Jason always seems to lead people down the satanism path.

Was it supposed to be just a coincidence that one part of the plot was set in a place called Truth or Consequences, and that was also what was written in the Osgood boxes?

It worked out great for Vincent!

If BMO is real, BMO's consciousness exists as pure software. Who's to say BMO's hardware isn't capable of creating multiple personalities running simultaneously? Why shouldn't one be able to trap another in a virtual mirror world?

Possibly the Thousand-Eyes Restrict or Hundred-Eyes Dragon?

He quotes the bible, but his actual belief system revolves around the worship of an ancient pumpkin god.