The Puzzler

What? You mean I peeled off the outer layer of my eyeballs for nothing?

The battle served no strategic purpose. However, it did serve to give Jar-Jar a chance to achieve a position of power and respect, which he would later use to advance Palpatine's political ambitions.

Anti-Irish? Maybe in the 1980s… Nowadays, they're not in the top 20 most unpopular groups in Britain.

Technically Jake did apologise, when he was trying to get the janitor's address from her. (Apologies are cheap - genuine respect is better.)

I think Maisie Williams might actually be an immortal. She looks weirdly young for an 18-year old.

That's not begging. It was all exchanges-of-equal-value. For example, for $10 you could elect to have your name appear on the official "Atlas Shrugged 'Who is John Galt?' Kickstarter Producers Wall" at AtlasShruggedMovie.com for life. For $15 you could get a PDF of the final shooting script. And for $35 you'd get the

I'm not quite sure of your reasoning here. Are you assuming China is or isn't communist? They seem to be doing pretty well at capitalism at the moment.

The hobbits had potatoes in Lord of the Rings. It's a fantasy staple.

The bits without Ash were described as straightforward horror. The bits with Ash are unlikely to play that way.

I think they're supposed to not be killing people at the moment even when it looks like they are? Ollie was worried that Thea might wind up killing someone.

I watched Whatever The Third Hobbit Movie Was Called.

Fortunately, there's a happy ending: the grandmother was charged with high treason and locked up in the Tower of London.

For me, the silliness (the nice non-rapey viking warriors who kidnap the doctor and Clara for no apparent reason, wear horned helmets, and farm electric eels) undermined all the 'serious' bits.

But without super-loud music all the time, how would we ever know to pay attention?

It's probably a good idea to ask yourself from time to time, what could I be doing now that, if I don't do, I'll regret it in the future?

They're never going to be anything other than 'just about surviving', even if they go for months with Teddy as seemingly their only customer. It's best not to question it.

I assume she stopped aging when she got vamped, implying she got bitten a few years after the 'Simon and Marcy' story - but as a half-demon she might grow up slower than that.
In Season 3's Memory of a Memory, when she got upset about her fries being eaten in a post-apocalyptic diner, she looks a few years older, and

She's a future incarnation of the Doctor - referenced by the Master a couple of weeks back: "when he was a little girl".

Marcelline had sharp teeth, pale skin and pointed ears before she became a vampire.

You know what I hate in films? Cuts. Every time it happens, I'm taken out of the story. It's distracting, imagining the camera being moved around.