The Puzzler

What choice did they have? He was threatening the city! Well, threatening the Flash, really. So it was necessary self-defence. Although the Flash could have just gone other places since Atom Smasher was slow and easy to track. But there was no other way to stop Atom Smasher - unless you count all the usual ways

There's a podcast community???

Remember how delighted she was when she finally got him to use up his vetoes? Without them he was completely in her power.

Wouldn't a more effective way of fertilising Mars be terraforming the shit into it?

PreCrime was a good idea. They prevented almost all murders by arriving in time to save the victim. This is a hundred times more useful than anything regular police do.

What?!? I go to his concerts exclusively for the gruesome slaughterhouse footage. Delightful!

The Thanos Plan:
(1) Sit in chair.
(2) If you have an Infinity Stone, give it to someone untrustworthy.
(3) ???
(4) Destroy universe.

I get that a lot too.
If it's in a cinema and I can't just leave, I can usually ride it out, but if I have the option to switch channels I usually take it.

Specifically, he grew up in Manchester, where Daphne was supposed to be from; she was putting on a fake accent that doesn't much resemble real Mancunian. (She's from the South of England.)

If you read all the lyrics, each verse has him promising not to do something. So 'that' is a different thing in each chorus.

'Psychopath' is tricky. There's a story about how it got 'scientifically' defined: Some psychiatrists took some prisoners who they reckoned were psychopathic, and gave them questionnaires, and compared their answers to those of 'normal' prisoners, and the differences were used to create a test for psychopathy. Of

What's your definition of a dungeon?

I read an actual book made of paper. "I am Alive and You are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K Dick" by Emmanuel Carrere.

I listened to his One Summer 1927 audiobook recently. I found it became more engaging when I set playback to 150% speed. His voice is still perfectly comprehensible at that rate.

Neither of Spiderman 2 nor X-Men are true Marvel Cinematic Universe properties! Don't you care about corporate franchise ownership?

Unless it's the robot nurse from Futurama.

You made the right call. After you gave up, the pacing got much, much worse.

Yeah, two hours isn't enough to cover a long-running anime like Naruto. I mean, there's at least six hours of plot in there, elegantly decompressed into a couple of hundred hours of animation.

Asking that question of fictional characters is one of the principles of good writing.

The Futurama mostly designs fembots to be weaker - female benders are used for making coathangers, for example - but with some exceptions, such as the delightful Crushinator.