The Puzzler

I always assume anyone who uses it is an obnoxious troll.

It's rare you'll find a superhero universe without a Dr Dark, a Drakk, a Drakkhen, a Drahk, a Drakh and a Dhrak.

When you crowdsource 50 random artists, the effect is satisfyingly similar to early episodes of the Simpsons, before they started using a more polished look.

Well, graphics technology has made great advances recently…

"If you're going to Bing something, use Google."

There's a growing cultural divide between those who prefer to read things, and those who hate reading and who no longer have to because they can get all their information from internet videos. I think it's fair to say that the latter group are despicable scum.
(Anyone who went to the trouble of reading this paragraph

They went to Valhalla.

Well, don't blame me. I voted for Renly.

My lightsaber technique is like this: I swing the saber down at my enemy as though to cut him in half. He, if the films are to be believed, raises own to block my attack. At this point I switch my lightsaber off, and switch it on again as soon as I'm past his guard, killing him instantly.

Never read the episode descriptions.

All right.

I think it was more of a 'he had noble goals but was murdering innocent people to achieve them' deal.

Master Blaster!

They found a way to make it uncool for the first time ever.

The poisoning thing wasn't that mysterious. They were on a science mission. David was trying to find out more about the mysterious black goop by seeing what effect it had on a human who swallowed it.

Constantine started out as a character who gave out cryptic advice to a more established superhero (well, Swamp Thing, anyway). So maybe he should return to those roots.

Atlantis has been destroyed like fifty times already. It'll be back to normal soon.

The worst thing you can do in Westeros is trust the wrong people. Ned trusted Littlefinger. Robb trusted the Boltons and Freys.

It's only useful when it's dead.

I saw it in IMAX 3D. After a couple of hours of eye-strain I started wishing I was watching it on a small screen in 2D with a pause button.