The Puzzler

Everything is pop culture.

You know this is season 6, right?

Quizzle quizzle quizzle!

We really don't have enough information to judge. Were these useful magic artifacts? Did taking them away prevent the demons from doing evil? How did the demons feel about them being destroyed when the house burned down?

What about the popular historical theory that Japan was trying to work out how to phrase their surrender at the time of the atomic bombings and they weren't necessary at all? Isn't that a slightly nicer sounding alternative scenario?

He gave three episodes this season a B- or less and five episodes an A- or better. I'd say he likes the show. He just doesn't love it unconditionally.

They should have had more categories:
Hero questions whether he should be killing people.
People keep saying "THIS CITY!" or "MY CITY!"

Yeah, Matt's blindness doesn't really affect him in any of the negative ways you'd expect it to. He's basically feigning disability. And for most of the time they knew one another he didn't even have the excuse of using it to conceal his superhero identity.

Spielberg found the perfect ending for A.I., and then the film kept going after that.

What if I think it's so utterly implausible as to undermine everything that came before it? Would watching it again change my mind about that? "We can bring people back to life from their hair with all their memories intact, but only for one day, because science!"

How do you normally feel when you watch naked people removing their own skin?

Except don't you have to pay almost that much in taxes to receive your prize, meaning that a lot of people don't bother to collect in the end?

Google it and find out if there is one. Or pretend you did.

Shutter? I hardly know 'er!

I'm pretty sure "fan-favorite" is a euphemism. As in, "fan-favorite artist Rob Liefeld". It means, "I never liked him, but other people did I guess?"

What? They couldn't have told me this before I joined ISIS? Dammit, I rented this wookie costume for nothing!

The politics of the episode were all stuff that more or less actually happened (in 1965, which in Archer time might as well be the present day). 48 people did lose their homes to a reservoir. Welsh nationalists did carry out retaliatory bombings. Plaid Cymru, the Welsh independence movement, currently receive around

And kick people in the face.

It didn't do any of that for me. It just put up a 'not available in your country' message.

You do know "disinterested" means "impartial", right?