The Puzzler

Ha! Deadpool is Marvel and New 52 is DC! Your question is invalidated by its proximity to a trivial mistake!

More fun facts about Olive:
She existed as a character for ten years before Popeye joined the strip (originally called Thimble Theatre).
Her measurements are 19-19-19.
I do not have a third fun fact but a list of two seems unsatisfactory.

Canonically, her family included Castor Oyl, Cole Oyl, Cylinda Oyl, Diesel Oyl and Lubry Kent Oyl.

Popeye has a base lifting capacity of 2 tons in his normal state - about on a par with Deadpool or Emma Frost in her diamond form. Under the influence of spinach, his strength rating rises to 10 to 25 ton range, around the same level as Spiderman, Scorpion or Luke Cage.

"What do you remember from the making of Palindromes?"
"Mr Owl ate my metal worm."

I spent most of the episode trying to work this out. I think there may have been some jokes and people in pilot uniforms going on in the background while I was thinking about it.

If anyone wants to come around here and claim that God the Father and the Son of God did not always exist together eternally, I'll slit their face!

Should we start debating Adventure Time here, for symmetry?

The correct phrasing is in the clip above.
"What's the matter chief?"
"Yeah, you've barely touched your Banana Kaboom."

Loki is a god of mischief. As with The Joker, his schemes are rarely intended achieve anything more that chaos.

What happens in World War Cowboy? Is it a Cowboypocalypse where anyone who gets bitten/shot/lassoed by a cowboy turns into another cowboy? I AM GENUINELY EXCITED BY THIS PREMISE!

If you think of the book as a story of an artistic genius struggling to get the recognition he deserves, then the critics in the book are the villains.
But I saw it more as the story of a guy struggling to make something truly great, and the critics correctly pointing out that his art is pretty mediocre.

The protagonist dislikes Koons. At no point does the author say that the protagonist's art is good, or that Koons' art is bad.

I sometimes have superheroes following me and beating me up…
Even so, I don't see the bits of that film where he's followed around by an angry superhero version of himself as ambiguous. The fact that nobody else comments on it makes it pretty clear that the superhero is all in his head.
Similarly, when he jumps off the

To play Cameron's advocate:
He's got a history of taking ridiculous gambles and somehow getting away with it. With Titanic and Avatar, he spent ridiculous amounts of money on projects with no guaranteed audience, and scored a major international hit both times. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

I hated Laurel for a long time. I really enjoyed hating her for complete lack of self-awareness and her idiotic decisions.
But I've stopped hating her now. She has become less idiotic than Oliver.

Thanks, Obllama!

So a 4-6-7-8-10 is four times as easy to hit as a 4-6-7-9-10, even though they're exact mirror images of one another?


Memo: if losing virginity, do not attempt to watch an episode of Doctor Who at the same time.