The Puzzler

You are technically correct.

It was pretty fat when Homer was created in the late 80s. Over the decades, the gap between his size and the size of the average American male has shrunk significantly.

She's correctly deduced that if she becomes Oliver's girlfriend, the show will find an excuse to kill her off so he can ultimately be with Laurel. Felicity's next move will be to look into becoming a lead in an Atom spin-off, thus guaranteeing her survival for a couple more years.

Yeah, it's hard to tell whether you should judge it by real world logic or comic book logic. By real-world rules: if the Joker keeps escaping and murdering, the government would find a way to stop him doing that. Or the police would kill him and make it look like a self-defense. By comic-book rules: if a superhero

Why Brick in particular? No reason to think the police can't keep him locked him up (or give him the death penalty). And apparently all it takes to drive law enforcement out is to say, "I know the addresses of several senior politicians and I might murder them if you don't do everything I say."

Dark Knight Rises did the same thing, where the criminals all forget how guns work so a bunch of guys with bats can beat them.

int ConvertLetterGradeToMarkOutOfTen(char *grade)
int MarkOutOfTen = 0;
if (grade[0] >= 'A' && grade[0] <= 'D')
MarkOutOfTen = 10 - (grade[0] - 'A') * 3;
return 0;
if (grade[1] == '+')
if (grade[1] == '-')
return MarkOutOfTen;

Don't you get it? Betamax maybe have been more expensive and may only have had an hour of capacity at first, but it had slightly better picture quality! SLIGHTLY BETTER! AND THE LIZARDS STOLE IT FROM US!

Anything nouny becomes an adjectivey word if you add a y to the end.
Knowing this makes Scrabble a lot easier.

I was so close to catching 'em all, and then they suddenly create hundreds of new ones.

If they want to make a dark Superman movie, then they shouldn't. They should use a different superhero who is better suited to that kind of movie.

Wolverine is one of those lost-the-film-rights characters, so they're trying to avoid giving him too much exposure.
Either that or the whole purpose of them exploding their universes is to bring him back.

Alan Moore had some multiversal being make a passing reference to the reality the heroes were from as Universe 616 in an old Captain Britain comic. The number stuck, for some reason.

Thankless? Squirrel training is probably the most dangerous job in the world, but it's worth it for the sex appeal it gives you.

Yes, that would also be a bad story. A good story would be one where Captain Cold comes up with a plan that would actually seem like it had a chance of working, like luring Flash into a trap without telling the entire police force, and making the floor slippery so he can't dodge.

If a substance achieved maximum possible temperature, that would mean its molecules would be oscillating at light-speed, which would cause it to explode, probably with enough force to destroy the whole planet.

The police couldn't risk fighting those guys. I mean, that ice gun and fire gun are almost as dangerous as regular guns.

The thing to remember about guns is that they're usually not used for killing other people. They're used way more often for suicide than for murder. The main 'benefit' of owning a gun is that if you're ever in a really low mood, it allows you to end yourself quickly and easily before you change your mind. (Most

Sure, they all sound awful, but if you take the time to read all of them, you'll find that only 95% of them are awful.

Not everything is that convoluted. It's a problem of chasing popularity. Kids buy X-Men comics? Let's give them more X-Men comics to buy every month! Their favorite is Wolverine? Let's give him his own solo comic and also a second comic about him and also let's put him on three different teams. Same thing happens to