The Puzzler

You don't sound very… content.

'Flash' has to work around that issue every week.
"Oh no, the bad guy is on a rampage! Well, we've still got thirty minutes of air time to fill, so instead of taking one second to punch him at supersonic speed I'd better stand over the body of one of the victims saying 'Nooooo!' until he escapes."

Someone should invent a new word that means "sex under false pretenses".

One thing I did learn from a Nabin comment at The Dissolve is that he stopped reading the AV Club comments because they were too frequently toxic and hostile and trollish and he was suffering from depression (and possibly in the process of declaring bankruptcy, though I might be off on the timing there). This led to

You're saying the executives did want to distribute Rashomon? That's not how I remember it.

If Malcolm X had owned an asteroid, he'd totally have done that.

Yeah, I love the way Who uses nothing but plausible extrapolated science in its plots.
And instead of using ridiculous fantasy Force powers, Star Trek just uses psychics, empaths, and all-powerful god-like super-beings.

I lost interest in writing this comment after the first…

Some dumb kid playing a trick.

Humans are a type of ape. They evolved from another type of ape. Gorillas and chimpanzees also evolved from earlier forms of ape. So for Grodd to be consistent, he'd believe that the gorilla was a branch of the family tree, and that not all apes were superior. On the other hand, he's specifically a form of

Spoiler warning, dude!

It may have come from nowhere, but it also went nowhere, so at least it balanced out.

Well, 'the group is always right' is a useful message for an already popular corporation. Your friends all like this product - therefore you must like it too.

I assume Zhu Li removed the pin at the very last second, after all the checks had been made, hoping that the weapon would explode, killing Kuvira (and herself). She had no opportunity to ditch it.

Most of the abilities in this show sound like they'd be instantly deadly if you think about how you could use them. When the earth nation were fighting the fire nation in Legend of Aang, why didn't they just open up a giant pit and seal them in an underground chasm? When Kuvira and Suyin were fighting, why not just

And was he being sarcastic?

Blood Dragon made me think, "This is a pretty amusing game, but I find the atmosphere really ugly. I wish I was back on a lush tropical island like in Far Cry 3."

The only bit that really felt like it needed more time was Korra talking to Zaheer. They needed to go through a ton of emotional stuff. She's afraid of him. He mocks her. She overcomes her fear. She persuades him that he's achieved the exact opposite of his original intentions. He decides to help her. He convinces her

Yeah, I remember the VR era. It got kind of tiring - whenever you wanted to open a file, you had to walk down a virtual corridor, open a virtual door, and pull it out of a virtual filing cabinet. In the end we gave it up for Windows 95.

It's a copycat Salmon Ladder, imitating the real thing for reasons of sexual obsession.