The Puzzler

The world blocks in were still basically the same size, weren't they? The models were more detailed, but as long as you're not trying to render the whole world at once, it shouldn't be any harder to run than Skyrim.

Wool is itchy and unpleasant. Anyone who doesn't know that must be an insensitive clod. I demand this objective truth be recognized!

I like the spread of user reviews here - currently it looks like 7 people gave it an A, 8 people gave it an F, and no-one gave it anything inbetween. I wonder how many of them saw it first?

That's one way to deconstruct it. Another way is that it's about introversion and solitude. 'Going to the moon' means being alone. 'Living on the moon' means living on your own, gradually drifting apart from humanity.
To those of us who do live on the moon, there's a heartbreaking quality to it.

Why did he go to the trouble of tricking the guards into letting Bolin be his assistant if he was just planning on blowing up the whole carriage?

And are you Joseph Gordon Levitt?

Ark of the Covenant. I'd use it as a laundry basket.

I just looked it up. It was placed there as a prop for the film, but there is now a genuine functioning red telephone box on that spot (in Pennan, Aberdeenshire). So you can go there and pump coins into it as you phone home. Northern lights not guaranteed.

You think it's the haircut and not the fact that she's being trained by a supervillain to unguessable ends?

I would love it if Laurel became the season 5 villain trying to destroy the city.

We established in season 1 that if you want to get someone out of prison in Starling City then all you have to do is find someone else and torture them until they confess to the crime on tape. Their legal system is not like ours.

I noticed that unlike Diggle he didn't bother taking cover after firing - he just stood there in his bright red outfit and relied on the fact that they'd probably miss.

How many times has someone taken over all the city's televisions now to send an ominous message? I'd probably miss that if it happened here, unless it was reviewed on the AV Club or it appeared in the "What's new on Netflix" page.

I don't know what's happening on your browser, but I have community grading. Average grade is B at the moment, with quite a few A- ratings, but an C or two balancing it out.

People believed me? Aw, now I feel bad that the reality is so much more boring. ("Hey, it's 1992: let's create a serial killer who kills everyone for the sake of killing! Also, he cuts himself!")

Zsasz was a supervillain created in the late 60s as a foe for The Question (aka Charles Victor Szasz). He'd commit palindrome-themed crimes, stealing valuable items, drawing ticks on the right arm of his costume whenever he got away with it, and ticks on the left arm whenever the Question outwitted him. Then he'd

There all is aching.

Maybe he's reading Game of Thrones episode reviews on the AV Club.

I'm not getting my hopes up. Cybermen are usually defeated by a Deus Ex Machine that sucks them all into a vortex or whatever.

To be fair, it's a stupid idea. Why not just have regular water and not wear swimming costumes? It would amount to the same thing.