The Puzzler

No: it will be me. You will be lying in your bed, and there I shall be, standing over you, smiling an inexplicable smile, as I claim your final breath.

Mistaking someone's heads for a pumpkin or giant hamburger is one of the first symptoms of zombieism.

So, they finally answered the question in the title of the show, which will be broadcast as Doctor Idiot from now on.

She left them buns. I'm pretty sure she made a genuine connection and wasn't just manipulating them.

It should then record what you say in response, say, "[whatever you said] who?" then pause for a few seconds, then laugh uproariously.

It's like Santa Claus. It exists in all of our hearts.

Yeah, there must be literally dozens of Ray Palmer fans out there who watch the Arrow. Not enough to make writing a comic about him financially viable, but enough to write a few grumpy comments on the internet. There's no way they'd take that risk.

Maybe she's lost her skills after the last two years spent not training at all, doing an office job, and getting addicted to various substances. Or maybe Generic Violent Boyfriend guy was an elite martial artist.

Most major criminals pre-World-War-2 were regarded as folk heroes, at least by some. Robbed a bank and killed two policemen? Folk hero!

Hydra's plan seems fairly clear to me:
1: Acquire doomsday device.
2: ???
3: World domination!

Was there some reason SHIELD didn't at some point tell the military, "Hey, there's a giant secret Hydra base in the middle of a major city where they're working on weapons of mass destruction, maybe you should go there and arrest everyone?" Seems like capturing and interrogating everyone and going over their files

Chemistry is important when you're a detective who does his own forensic analysis.

Except he totally can outrun poison gas. And that's apparently the way to defeat poison gas, instead of, say, trapping it in a sealed container.

Ridiculous! That would be like a blind guy being able to see and pretending that's a superpower!

It hates its male characters more.

I think it's pretty plausible that being covered in molten gold would harm a dragon. Unless you've read Smaug's entry in the Monster Manual, you have no way of knowing if he's immune to any amount of heat, or just resistant to it. And if he stayed under the gold for long enough he'd suffocate. And the molten gold

Well, as mentioned above, in LotR, they made Gandalf look bigger than Frodo by making Gandalf sit closer to the camera. When you film it in 3D, suddenly that effect doesn't work any more.
And because there are two pictures (left eye and right eye) you have to polish the digital effects twice for every frame, and there

"Life is nothing but a cruel joke." Ridiculous! A cruel joke? That implies meaning, intent, a shape. You're deluding yourself by hallucinating a pattern amidst the empty randomness of chaos. I have no need of such a comforting fantasy.

Sounds great! I hope it turns out he gains his powers of deduction from getting bitten by a radioactive policeman!

I'd suggest bringing in the beloved villains now. There's no particular reason they can't rewrite the continuity to have, say, The Joker, Poison Ivy and The Ventriloquist active before Batman shows up. The show could explore the idea that without Batman to contain them, the villains wind up fighting one another.