The Puzzler

"Edward Nygma was nowhere near as obnoxious as he usually is. Improvement!"

Compared to the US, Ireland has longer life expectancy, better education, and far lower infant mortality. It's only if you look back a couple of hundred years that the ironic version makes sense.

Ooh! I think I have some of your stuff in my MP3 collection! Did you make the album 'Deep Purple' by 'Unknown Artist'?

I still want to hate her. New material to hate her for this week: She didn't bother taking her sister to a hospital like a sensible person would, she just dragged the corpse through the streets to freak out her friends. She didn't tell her father. She abused her family connections to get closer to a hospitalized man,

I hear Eddie Murphy had no idea he was in this film until two years later.

I tried calling the locals Asian-Americans when I was in Japan, and for some reason they didn't like it.

I don't think the MCU has anywhere near enough superheroes for a proper Civil War. At present it would be more like a five-a-side scuffle.

It depends a lot on your tolerance for certain types of narrative device. Civil War had good features (memorable, touched on big political ideas) and bad features (superheroes acting out of character for the sake of conflict).

It happened in Young Justice. "Oh, I always knew you were a white Martian."

t's all fun and games untl somebody loses an 'i'.

Not including Batman seems like an effective enough strategy for differentiating it from all the other Batman adaptations.

Presumably, to keep with his standard character arc, he has to learn the lesson that punching people is a more effective way to help people than spending money.

Try going through those seventy years of stories to find the few that don't revolve around Batman or any of the classic villains. And most of those that are left will have Batgirl or Robin or something equally out of place.

I did it first! Probably! When Penguin killed someone in episode one for a ham sandwich!
I never get credit. People also don't believe me when I say I preceded The Riddler…

Sure, rocks are a symbol of everything that weigh us down. 'Let he who is without sin cast the first big rock'. But the Killer Croc I know would never make such a nuanced statement. If I heard him say something like that, I'd assume he'd been replaced by a double.

Maybe you should become a costumed vigilante yourself: The Just Die? Be the change you want to see in the world, and all that?

Bruce Wayne is Batman? Gasp! Then vengeance shall be mine! Quick, to the Puzzlemobile!

You know, if moms count as 'The AV Club', then so do we! Anyone got any good quotes about anything they'd like to see in ads?

All that tells me is that Frank Miller gives us broad strokes.

"Gosh, Alfred, I've been fighting crime for several years, and I sometimes feel like I ought to dress as some kind of animal… But ever since I accidentally killed The Joker I've been too afraid. Let's keep things as they are for another three or four years and see how it goes."