The Puzzler

At this rate he'll have stabbed at least 500 people by the time Batman shows up.

Hammocks were invented by Native Americans a long time ago, possibly originating in the West Indies.
(How did we find things out before the internet? Somebody ought to Google that.)

I am Groot.

One of Moffat's themes is, "The Doctor lies."
Clara is a companion who is just as casually dishonest as he is. Look how much she lied in Listen. (It irritates me too, really. I'm hoping they're going somewhere with this.)

Getting everyone onto the TARDIS sounded like the most sensible solution to me. Although that's true of most episodes of Doctor Who where people are being picked off one by one.

Most of the passengers were holograms anyway.

I doubt we'll get another scientist companion. These days they seem pretty keen on a companion being an ordinary person that the viewers can relate to and who needs the same things explained that we do.

Although that does mean he was acting as the commanding officer for the other side. So it still fits the theme, just in a less repetitive manner.

What adapters and cables will make it possible for me to listen to MP3s in mono through headphones on my phone? (An even cheaper solution might be to write an app to mix the sound channels evenly…)

Beatles songs with the original stereo are designed for listening to on speakers set in different corners of the room. If you listen to them on headphones, you get things like a voice that can be heard in one ear but not the other. Some people find this really weird and off-putting, like going partially deaf.

There was an "I'm looking for someone" line (or similar), that was crying out for a "Found someone, you have."

Remember, there's only a very small chance of humanity being wiped out by a baseball thrown at 99% of the speed of light or everyone in the world standing in one place and jumping or a wormhole transferring all our oceans to Mars.

At the end of the book, it's old diary entries full of names of all the famous people he was hanging out with, and references to his increasingly worrying cocaine use, ending in a "well, I can't find the next section of my diary - it's probably saved on a old Jaz Disk - but I've met the mandatory word count so I'll

Superpowers are not a reliable source of fun - see most of Smallville, Man of Steel, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised is the Weather Wizard is still alive. They did something similar with Deadshot on Arrow - shot him and acted like he was dead, and then on a later episode, nope, he survived and escaped somehow without anyone appearing to notice the corpse going missing.

It was fairly clear to comic readers that what he was seeing as a child was (SPOILERS MAYBE) his future self as a red blur, fighting Reverse Flash as a yellow blur, both of whom have traveled back in time to cause / prevent the murder.

It depends on how super they make the superspeed. At present it's "can run at the speed of sound", which is powerful, but doesn't trivialize every situation.

Don't underestimate Oliver: most Flash villains could be defeated by sneaking up on them and shooting an arrow into the back of their neck.

"We can't do that! The downdraft from the rotors would send the balloon flying like crazy!"

Puzzle-me-do! Why is a penguin like a pussy cat?