The Puzzler

Let Star Wars be Star Wars. There are plenty of other fictional universes where the bad guys aren't truly villainous. When you combine moral ambiguity with child-friendliness, you risk winding up in a silly 'trying to win World War Two without hurting any of the Nazis' type of situation.

Mini-Frink is quite right. A rebigulator would require a preposterous energy supply to create the mass needed to re-embiggen Lisa - around the amount a nuclear power plant would generate in a hundred years.

There's no significant debate about abortion remaining legal in the UK.

Things that you know well don't feel like 'science', they're just reality. If an episode proposed that anyone could fly by flapping their arms, that wouldn't be 'science fiction', that would just be stupid. If it did something equally scientifically impossible, but which used the phrase 'zero-point energy', anyone who

The time delay is around one second.

'Obviously' wrong, but not actually wrong. Maybe she's genre savvy. She knows that if the choice is 'murder an innocent' or 'take a stupid risk', the correct answer in an episode of Dr Who will almost always be 'take a stupid risk'. See Amy & the enormous space whale, etc.

*gets in line with handgun*

I don't know about the second question, but the first question is almost certainly a 'no'. Popular films that already play to crowded audiences don't have room to double their audience. People who don't want to see critically acclaimed but boring sounding art movies aren't going to change their mind just because it's

And pretty much all trees.

From now on, that will be my response to all questions about all films.

I wonder how hard it would be to write a PC game that becomes uber creepy and starts commenting on your internet browser history…

You should probably double check your facts.
"Forbes on Monday released its annual list of the 400 richest people in America, and for the 21st straight year Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was No. 1. Gates’ net worth was pegged at $81 billion — up $9 billion from 2013, due in large part to a strong performance by

1 a shocking, evil, or immoral act
2 great evil or wickedness

It was during the brief period he worked as a time-travelling hip-hop artist, plagiarizing lyrics from 1990's rappers, as part of a ploy to acquire enough gold to defeat the Cybermen. Sadly, all these episodes were destroyed by the BBC.

In the Nolan movies, during Batman Begins, Batman saves the whole city from (some stupid plan involving a microwave bomb and fear drugs). During Dark Knight, crime becomes much more dangerous and entertaining as a result of The Joker who may have been inspired by Batman, but it's only because of him there was a city

If you're the kind of person who asks 'so what do they eat?' then New Vegas is definitely a better game world.

No, I just checked. They contained ham slices with lettuce, which seems pretty inappropriate for The Penguin.

Like Hitler, for example. He had incomplete information, which makes him seem like a bad person from our biased modern viewpoint. That's how it works, right?

I enjoyed Season 4 at the time, but it doesn't stand up well to analysis. Evil Cordelia's actions serve no purpose. Why would she want to turn Angel evil when that turns him from her protector to someone who might kill her?

Appropriate fear is good. When you run into a hungry hyena, the fight-or-flight-or-freeze response makes you much more effective. However, it also tends to allow your amygdala to override your higher brain functions. So when you experience the fear response in situations where it isn't needed, your ability to think