The Puzzler

Have you read PKD's Galactic Pot-Healer? Not one of his most memorable works but he was clearly a big fan of 'ceramic pottery'.

"aliens decide humanity is too violent to live."
"they are here, along with groups like them all over the world, to test out a bacteria that will kill every human being and domesticated animal on the planet"

There is also a Scarborough in Yorkshire, England.

Of course not. They should continue to base all screenplays on comics, old TV shows, and existing movies.

What about urine?

Which answers the "it’s unclear how the butler would know about Prince Edmund, considering Henry VII supposedly wrote him out of history" question - he had access to the secret Blackadder library which contains the true history of the Blackadders.

MacAdder makes more sense, since his role requires him to look exactly like Blackadder. (Although if Blackadder can switch places with Prince George anything's possible I guess?)

Right: It should be "England" and "flavours".

Yeah, and then EA charges you a fortune for all the expansion packs.

WoW can satisfy the need for human contact and attention better than Skyrim or Civ5. They're not forgoing an active social life, they're just redefining it. Like those guys who spend all their time commenting on internet forums. Losers!

Maybe you guys could attend together next time?

Aang had a much more traditional heroic storyline. He and a few fellow rebels are taking on a vast and powerful army led by a terrifying villain.

Gah! Hot potato, orchestra falls, pluck will make amends! [Dubious version of quote sourced from Wikipedia.]

Number of dragons on the Welsh flag: One.
Number of dragons on the American flag: Zero.
Advantage: Wales

Mr Freeze's theory isn't completely at odds with conventional scientific thought on the subject. After the Yucatán asteroid strike "much additional particulate matter would have stayed afloat in the atmosphere for weeks, months, perhaps years, blocking incoming solar radiation and thus killing plant life and causing

Why is there a Comics Week banner at the top of this article? Shouldn't you have saved it for TV Week?

Bolin got slammed between two giant metal slabs - that seems even worse.

There's the grand unified Pixar theory, in which a plague of sentience has spread across the world, affecting rats, insects, toys and eventually cars. These cars drive humans offworld as they gradually destroy the atmosphere. Fortunately, the humans leave behind robots who are capable of destroying the cars and

No, they just accidentally cut their own heads off while shaving.

Just because (gullible?) democrats believed in the WMDs doesn't mean they existed. If Sadaam had them, why didn't he use them?