The Puzzler

What kind of weird animes do you watch?

Some nations might be willing to allow San Marino to spread its cruel tyranny across the world, but Great Britain will not stand by and watch, lest evil triumph!

Some people think all modern art is rubbish. I, on the other hand, think it is all good, without exception.

What makes you think outer space is a vacuum in the Star Wars galaxy? If it was a vacuum, those X-Wings wouldn't bank like aeroplanes when turning, and explosions wouldn't be full of flames.

Like in Man of Steel, Star Trek: Into Darkness, old comics where the Hulk knocks down buildings… Spectacular destruction, but it's never made clear how many people die.
I never really thought of it before, but maybe that's so they can pretend no-one really got hurt for the sake of 'standards and practices' and child

My expected ending:
The things from beyond the wall have conquered half of Westeros. King's Landing has been burned by dragons.
The surviving Stark children meet up for the first time since the death of their father. Each has gained mastery of a particular set of skills: the ranger, the druid, the spy and the assassin.

About 50% of all long-running animes do this.

"Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I live in a quite rainy country?"

Cool! I was looking for something to spend $18,000 on that would also fill up half my house!

I've read Pavane and Kiteworld. Aren't the 'demons' they're afraid of in Kiteworld nuclear weapons?
I don't remember how either book ended. I think Roberts is better at intriguing premises than telling stories. Probably why he isn't better known.

Even if he dies, he might still come back. It's a super-villain thing.

That means, canonically, all human civilization was destroyed by an asteroid…

I don't see that she took away his power to make decisions. Instead of leaving him to die in space, she put him in a position where he was able to decide for himself that he didn't really want to tear off his dad's arm.

Because his arm isn't injured; it's turned into a flower. Healing magic can't cure that.

Toxic lead alloy or nothing!

You wouldn't find that in modern D&D - you'd have to buy a metre-long miniature for the tactical battle map.

As a master criminal who frequently walks into donut shops, grabs one, and runs away, the receipt system has really contributed to the amount of jail time I serve.

He gives the impression of caring about Sansa. Unless he just wants control over the heir to Winterfell…

Steven is pretty incompetent and continually endangering the lives of himself and the other characters and the success of the missions he goes on. And yet he seems completely unaware of this and never gets punished. It's always, "Please take me with you!" and never, "I'm going to start training harder."

What about the clown's honor? Where's his billion dollars?