The Puzzler

I killed my wife.

"He puts on the dark eye makeup when he BECOMES the Arrow."

Isn't he based on Hawkman? (1) Bird Person is a weird name for a bird person, just like Hawkman is a weird name for a hawk man. (2) He refers to a soul bond, which sounds like the Hawkman / Hawkgirl eternal connection thing that the comics expected us to care about.

If I was managing a hotel and someone demanded I opened a safe being used by a guest who was being held down by men in horse costumes and let him take back a toy horse that his daughter had traded away for less than the going rate… I don't know whose side I'd take.
I pray to God I never find myself in that situation.

Woohoo! Finally, a place in the record books! I feel so proud to have contributed to this great achievement!

Batman, a sitcom? How dare you! Have you any idea how stressful it was for a young boy to have to wait for the next episode to find out whether Robin got eaten by the giant clam or not?

Dude, the improv Viking scene is way fresher and more spontaneous than the scripted stuff.

Writing this from the future, but didn't this episode reveal (based on her shoes) she wasn't just some random woman, she was the mastermind behind the plot to destabilize China from the Season 1 island arc?

It seems like Finn & Jake never go on adventures together any more. I'm hoping they either change that soon, or rename the show 'The Adventures of Princess Bubblegum, God-Empress of the Candy People'.

Products that are sold at a loss can suffer from popularity.

I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I'm baffled by the notion of one that intevenes in sit-com renewals.

Everyone moved to Mars.

That was the brother who got eaten.

If he has any sense, he'll workshop material from his new TV show on the Bugle, and then steal Andy's material to use on his new TV show. Always be multitasking!

Until I saw this video, I had no idea you had Asperger's, CM. I'm glad it didn't hold back your career.

The Gun Seller? I recall it being pretty good, though with an unsatisfying ending that is completely dependent on terrorists being really gullible.

House influenced my relationship with medicine for the better. I'd seen so many narratives where someone is basically fine, goes to a doctor, gets diagnosed with Terminal Disease Syndrome, and quickly starts dying. This show's formula was basically optimistic and practical - you get a diagnosis, and that makes it

Everyone sitting on and around the couch facing the 'television' (i.e, the camera & audience) works as a sit-com layout. If Sheldon and Amy had sat with the others, we'd only ever see the back of their heads. Not a good change.

Yeah, but if Captain Kirk had a phaser pistol that made an effective energy weapon despite it's small battery, it shouldn't be hard to make a portable weapon that can fire for ages, maybe with a backpack for extra charge.
On the other hand, over-heating might be a serious problem.

For me the turning point was a little sooner; it was Sylar, who had god-like powers by this time, being defeated by someone walking towards him with a sword and then stabbing him while he just stood there making no effort to defend himself.