The Puzzler

Well I for one have always fantasized about having a girlfriend who I can't have sex with and who dumps me but not before sorting out my email inbox. Hot!

US fatalities in Afghanistan: 2,115 in 13 years.
British fatalities at the start of the battle of the Somme: 21,000 in one day.
I'd say the long-term trend has been heading in the direction of us being a bit less cavalier with the lives of soldiers.

His relationship with Her is shown as being pretty great (unlike most of the human-human relationships in the movie). The only reason they don't live happily ever after is, essentially, that she's too good for him. I blame the moustache.

Phew! Finally, this sinister malefactor is going to prison, where she belongs. We'll all sleep easier in our beds tonight.

(1) He read a book about it.

I enjoyed it but only because it was fast-paced enough that I didn't have a chance to stop and think about whether it made sense or not until later.

Of course, if people don't buy it now in its unfinished form, Double Fine won't raise enough money to finish the game.

It sucks, but enough people keep watching it to see how much it's going to suck this week.

You'd BETTER buy it. ALL OF YOU! If you don't want to be… PUZZLED!

A lot of the individual episodes of Community could be described as High Concept.

Congratulations on having such great taste, fellow commenters!

In order for something to overrated, there have to be people rating it highly in the first place.

I did wonder if PB's sabotage made sense. But Finns plans were based around calling for help and then waiting. That wouldn't have worked, because there wasn't anyone around who could receive the distress call, turn up within a few minutes, and rescue them from a deadly radioactive crater. And the belief that help

In order to stretch them out of there, Jake would have to take off his non-stretchy radiation suit. Since they were in a crater from a nuclear explosion, that would have caused him to absorb a lethal dose of radiation and turn into a green goop monster himself.

So, if Varrick had got away with his plan to kidnap the president and expand the war, wouldn't that have worked out better for those trying to save the world?

This review should have a spoiler space added.

Cugel the Clever, the largely amoral protagonist of Dying Earth novel The Eyes of the Overworld, is a rapist. (The Dying Earth series is where Gary Gygax got Vancian magic from.)

You wrote Alien with a capital A - does that make him a chest-bursting xenomorph?