The Puzzler

Hm. Kick out L&P, saving at least $650,000 per episode. Amy moves into Penny's old place, and Raj moves in with Sheldon. Would the show be any worse?

They didn't mention Indy surviving on a Nazi submarine for a journey that would probably take a couple of weeks. So, did he sit on top and somehow not drown or die of thirst? Or sneak inside somehow and then hide in a kitchen cupboard for the entire journey?

Yeah! If Mr Darcy is supposed to be so great, why did he take Georgiana, his fifteen year old sister, nervous and recently bereaved of her mother, out of school and place her in the sole care of the abominable Mrs Younge? Explain THAT, Jane Au$ten! Bitch.

You know it was your fault Cid died, right? You need to feed him healthy fish, not just the ones that flop around in the shallows.

Romulans are from Romulus and speak Romulan. Cardassians are from Cardiassia and speak Cardassian. Klingons are from what tends to be called 'the Klingon homeworld' and speak Klingon. Star Trek likes to keep these things simple.

"Now that I've learned about foreshadowing, I'm going to use it in all of my stories!" John Grisham

"For all we know the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs."

The 30s and 40s weren't that great.

It says right up there that they currently make 46% of their profits from concessions. (It also says they make 85% profit, which is to say, if they sell something for $10 it probably costs them $1.50.)
What it doesn't say is why you pay $8 for a small popcorn. The reason they charge that much is that people are willing

We all are. And I am your king!

Counterpoint of order - there will never again be any news about Firefly. Firefly is over.

Handy tips: black ants tend to be edible. Red ants tend to be poison. Earthworms are OK, but you should cut them in half and scoop out the soil.

I just started watching season 4 of 24, and in the very first episode he assaults a CTU agent and shoots a suspect for information, even though his current job is something to do with budget management. And the information he gets is too late to be of any use.

How many vice-presidents get fired for incompetence?

Surprised there aren't more votes for Commissioner Gordon…

You could take money from the rich and give it to the poor?

A film not being as good if you haven't seen the previous one, or a TV serial where you don't get the ending until next week are OK.
A film where you get no resolution for three years is more of a problem.
Of course, that only applies if you're an impatient child living in 1981.

By 'potential' we mean 'vagina jokes'.

The only message I can see is that we should show some respect for the legal system and accept jury verdicts we disagree with.

Bubblegum is bubblegum. You wouldn't want to swallow any.