The Puzzler

Nathan Rabin has been writing about those films / books over at The Dissolve.

The I Ching tells them how history turned out in the 'real' world where history took its truest path. And that turns out not to be our world either.

That reminds me of the British victory in the American Revolution, in which British colonists defeated the German king and his German mercenaries.

When they poked their heads into the time bubble, their bodies would have been running at full speed and their heads at slow speed. That would mean their brains going out of synch with their hearts. The interruption to the normal circulation of blood would have been fatal. Fatal!

Yeah, I remember when we all heard Gangam style and said, 'This social commentary makes a convincing argument!'

A girl who is warm and human during the day
A classy girl who enjoys the freedom of a cup of coffee
A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes
A girl with that kind of twist

I was one of the billions wiped out from existence by the destruction of the old DC universe. For my point of view, the New 52 was WAY worse than the holocaust.

Yeah, journalists were always asking him about that.

Will they still give out handguns to the customers with infrared sensors to prevent them from accidentally shooting humans, but give the robots regular guns?

And the crossover, Manimal, Maneral, Vegetmanle.

He survived Blackadder III…

If the audience is expecting a sci-fi twist in a historical story (and they will be expecting it, because Dr Who 'always' does sci-fi twists) and it never arrives, they'll feel let down.

Ach! Spoilers!

Why on earth did they begin by offering two dishes that did not contain spam? That makes the rest of the sketch make no sense!

TV characters can't afford to change too much or they stop being the characters we liked in the first place.

Overall accident rates are a very poor measure as there are dozens of other things going on that will independently affect the accident rate.
Is using a phone while driving distracting? Yes. Does distraction ever make you a better driver? No. Does distraction ever make you a worse driver? Yes. On average, using a phone

So what's your strategy for defeating an opponent who can simply shove you into a black hole if you're inconveniencing him, along with your entire solar system?

That's about $300…

If Batman had that power, every time an alarm went off (bank robbery, jailbreak, etc) he could stop time, find the criminal, nail his shoes to the floor, wrap him in chains, unload his gun, glue his eyelids shut, and then go home and leave the police to deal with it.

Mine is:
"I just spent four hours burying the cat.""Four hours to bury a cat?""Yes, it wouldn't keep still…"