The Puzzler

The snorks' 'snorkels' are a propulsion system. They have a cylindrical brain structure to allow direct passage of water, which they draw in through their mouths and expel forcefully out the tube to move themselves along.

"WENUS" (Weekly Estimated Net Usage System).

"I don't know that."
"Well, have a guess!"
"Henri Bergson?"
"Is the correct answer!"
"That was lucky, I'd never even heard of him."

You have to learn to be more tolerant of the other moviegoers. Sure, some of them may make annoying noises like, "Shh!" But it's worth it for that unique moviegoing experience. After all, if you're watching a film alone at home, you can't discuss plot points with friends and strangers, 
crack jokes, or throw popcorn at

But Sharknado is an example of a picture made outside the Hollywood system. It was created by plucky little Indie studio Asylum Films thanks to the bold funding of the prestigious cable channel 'SyFy'.

My biggest objections to the film:
They made Rorschach a super-strong martial artist, when he's supposed to be an underdog who uses his ingenuity to survive. Why would those guys try to break into his cell if he can just beat them to death?

There's an episode of Angel where the hero has, after some psychological warfare by his enemies, lost his faith in the idea that the world can be saved and that his actions are making a difference.
He pulls himself together, starting with the idea that "if nothing we do matters, then what we do is all that matters". If

The correct formula is (n * (n - 1)) / 2
So if there had been nine friends, there would have been 36 [(9*8)/2] possible one-to-one relationships.

"Turbo often looks downright exceptional. Christopher Nolan’s regular cinematographer, the great Wally Pfister, served as artistic consultant; his influence can be seen in the film’s fluid, dynamic action sequences…"

Deltron Event II due out in less than three months now…

Finally, Yorke could hold it in no more. He let out an high, tenuous yowl of anguish which wreaked havoc with the steel and concrete of the Chipotle buildout. Patrons screamed and ran for the door as the building shook, but it was already too late. There were no survivors.

Today's weather: cloudy, with a chance of sharknados.

But 'destined to exterminate all mankind' is OK?

I'm not sure I entirely agree with Neil. If you start writing a story, and publish the opening part of that story, it is implied that you will do your best to finish that story. If that's not the deal, they should put a warning on the cover. "This is the first book of an epic fantasy that may reach some kind of

So instead of GNU it could have been ANU (ANU's Not Unix)… Yup, that makes sense.

Well, that's like saying there's no monster in Loch Ness. Unless you've searched every cubic foot yourself, how can you be sure?

View to a Kill is a quote from an old hunting song.

We have established a pattern. Next Superman film: nothing but Kevins!

Demon: Professor, your life has been pointless!
Alien: Not so, professor! My brood were gestating in the guts of some of your pupils. From you they learned the concept of mercy.
Robot: I was posing as a child so I could destroy the future of mankind, but you taught me better!
Scientist: Using the time machine you helped