The Puzzler

I prefer both the Golden and Silver Ages of Hijacking to the current grim-dark age.

Thank god somebody is finally going to deconstruct comic book storytelling. It's about time.

Are you counting Hank's strength suit?

Obviously, Clue Clown is one of those lame self-sabotaging riddle-loving super-villains.

The 'push it beyond the limits' thing isn't completely ridiculous. There would be starfleet regulations saying, "This is the amount of clearance you should leave when flying through a gap, to allow for pilot error. This is the maximum you should run your engine at, to avoid a small but significant risk of warp

The first time, the Jake-car has solid windows. The second time, Jake remembered to leave openings so Finn could see out. (Or forgot to fill up the holes so Finn wouldn't get hit by broken glass.)

Also, red sunlight, magic, threatening to kill a hostage, and atomic death rays with power ratings in excess of 100 gigawatts.

Yes, it's not a hive mind, you weak-minded peasant.

Maybe Mr Fox was also suffering from depression about living alone in a remote crumbling house, despite his best efforts to convince himself otherwise.

In a typical war, 98% of soldiers who see the enemy don't shoot to kill; they're too busy keeping their head down and hoping not to die.
But psychopaths shoot to kill. 
So it's not completely stupid, only a little bit stupid.

If you were being paid $10,000 a year, and your pay was cut by 10%, you'd get $9,000 a year. 
If your pay was reduced by 50%, you'd get $5,000 a year.If your pay was reduced by 90%, you'd get $1,000 a year. 
If your pay was reduced by 99%, you'd get $100 a year.
If your pay was reduced by 100%, you'd get $0 a year..

He's a sentient block of granite. She's a time-travelling unicorn.
They fight crime.

Jake got through the portcullis by passing his entire body through it in chunks and reforming on the other side. I don't think I've seen him reconnect parts of his body like that before. I assumed he had to obey the rules of topology.
I wonder if he could make his brain 50 times bigger to be boost his intelligence?

Stannis, either version, isn't my idea of a villain. There's a certain gleeful sadism in true villains like Joffrey or Ramsey (or, more subtly, Tywin or Littlefinger). Stannis seems like a Lawful Neutral fanatic who believes he's doing the right thing but probably isn't.

So, let's say all electronics are destroyed and we can't play DVDs or computer files any more…
Even so, printing out the script now would be easier than memorizing it, and a piece of paper is more likely to survive the apocalypse than you.

Show some respect. She just watched the Red Wedding. By now she's probably dead or in an asylum.

I see the central theme/conflict as being, "Who is worthy to sit on the iron throne, to rule Westeros and protect the people from The Others?"
Just about everything we've seen has been relevant to that question.

I think Stannis has much claim to be rightful king either. He's King Robert's most legitimate heir, but Robert was an usurper. Daenerys should be queen if you're going by bloodline. And if you're not going by bloodline, Renly had the will of the people on his side.

Even after he had Melisandre put some kind of a curse on Robb Stark that might have been responsible for what just happened?

But that could just be some kind of magic, albeit a scarily powerful kind.