The Puzzler

There are other types of potential spoilers. If someone said, for example, I thought the scene in book 5 where character X ate roast pumpkins was really boring, then you know that character is going to survive for the next couple of seasons and it drains the tension from any scene where that character is threatened.

There's a Stanislaw Lem story in the Cyberiad with a similar theme. (Spoilers for people who were just about to start reading the short stories of Stanislaw Lem for the first time.)
A genius gives a deposed dictator a population of tiny artificial people for him to oppress. Later, the genius is convinced by his friend

I agree. There should have been endless sequels. They practically write themselves!
Honey, I Irradiated the Kids
Honey, I Gave the Kids Brain Damage
Honey, I Opened a Portal to Hell
Honey, I Murdered a Prostitute

Xenomorph DNA is Special, like the magic black goo in Prometheus. When they lay an egg in you, it infects your DNA which then contains the complete instructions for recreating you, an alien, or an alien human hybrid.

The Tyrells seem pretty supportive.

Speaking as a fish, I would say that the bait is the best bit. Frankly, I could do without the hook.

Surely as a time traveler he could have met his own future self.

Based on the story, the phrase could mean 'something imaginary', 'something fake that not everyone has the guts to point out is fake', 'something everyone pretends to believe in' or 'something that only clever people can appreciate'.
From the context, I have no idea which it is. But I find most music reviews

Melisandre has one weakness - she's a bit of an idiot who has yet to use her powers to achieve anything meaningful.

In Game of Thrones, probably not. Maybe "Woven from Valyrian Hemp."

The Extremis virus is actually pretty consistent with how it was portrayed in the original Warren Ellis storyline and its follow-ups. It's a virus that gives people superpowers and/or kills them.

They're not aliens; they're demons, misinterpreted as aliens by foolish scientists. Holy water beats demons.
If you think of it that way, the movie almost makes sense.

Sounds more like it's being played 87.5% slower to me.

On no-law day, the police and secret service aren't obligated to do or not do anything.
Of course, that means that the rest of the year, the police can say, "If you don't sign this confession, I'll track you down and kill you on no-law day."

To keep things simple while you're learning to drive the car, I'm going to remove the airbags and seat belts.

I still don't find it plausible that Odo would be respected by Bajorans after working for the Cardassians. No matter how honest and fair he is, it's his job to catch and execute people like Kira.

I would have thought that meant 'a higher percentage of our supporters bothered to vote than theirs did'.

Speaking as an interdimensional wanderer, I've noticed that around three-fifths of earths that experienced the cold war went on to be destroyed by global thermonuclear warfare. But there's no surviving hippies left in those worlds to say "I told you so!"

If Batman got killed by a random henchman's bullet, that would be (a) extremely realistic, and (b) hilarious.