The Puzzler

But African swallows are non-migratory…

A couple of stupid things about it that I don't think have been mentioned yet:

You need to phrase that as a question.

I don't know anything about 'Did You Hear About the Morgans' but judging by the mention in this article, it's either a torture porn about Hugh Grant and a sadistic grizzly bear, or a romantic comedy about Hugh Grant and a beautiful grizzly bear. Either way, I want to see it.

Who loves Dream? There's a sequence of panels in the article above where two of his closest confidants complain about him and talk about his terrible relationships.

Dream is his own worst enemy. There's a lot he could have done to save himself, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Just about every character action in the series could be interpreted as someone acting upon their Desire, such as the Delirium's desire to seek Destruction, taking Dream with her.

It's like knowing about cult movies: it's not really about age. It depends on what internet sites you read and whether your friends are into them.

If you want to shoot the bounty hunter under the table, turn to paragraph 37. If you want to let him take the first shot and hope you can move your head out of the way of the laser beam, turn to paragraph 14. If you want to shout for help, turn to paragraph 25.

Didn't Lone Wolf have, instead of dice, a grid of random numbers on the back page that you were supposed to stab blindly with your pencil? I remember that after a while the bit of the page with the highest concentration of high numbers was a lot more stabbed than the rest of it.

You can get psychiatric help on the NHS if you ask for it (or if you are sufficiently crazy to get carted away to an asylum). However, it tends to be low-budget, brief sessions, "try these pills". Better therapy is expensive. It also helps to have family support, of course, people who will provide you with food and

I now feel a strange urge to see The Hobbit in 48FPS just to see what the problem is.

I now feel a strange urge to see The Hobbit in 48FPS just to see what the problem is.

Home Alone is a children's comedy where the hero repeatedly tortures the villains. (Thus laying the foundations for Guatanemo Bay.) Cabin in the Woods is a (post-modern) horror film where people are killed by monsters in gruesome ways. The former is a far more egregious example of sadism. If Cabin in the Woods had

Home Alone is a children's comedy where the hero repeatedly tortures the villains. (Thus laying the foundations for Guatanemo Bay.) Cabin in the Woods is a (post-modern) horror film where people are killed by monsters in gruesome ways. The former is a far more egregious example of sadism. If Cabin in the Woods had

Yeah, as far as I can tell, every time anyone goes back in time for any reason (which judging by Star Trek is about once per year per starship) it destroys the entire universe and creates a new one to take its place. Which means that absolutely nothing you do matters because eventually someone will go back and kill

Yeah, as far as I can tell, every time anyone goes back in time for any reason (which judging by Star Trek is about once per year per starship) it destroys the entire universe and creates a new one to take its place. Which means that absolutely nothing you do matters because eventually someone will go back and kill

That's quite an interesting idea - they watch miserable films because 'they want to care'. It implies that the default state of these people is that they don't care. They live in a world full of despair and meaningless death and are somehow unmoved by it all.
Meanwhile, the rest of the population cares too much and is

That's quite an interesting idea - they watch miserable films because 'they want to care'. It implies that the default state of these people is that they don't care. They live in a world full of despair and meaningless death and are somehow unmoved by it all.
Meanwhile, the rest of the population cares too much and is

Well, it works fairly well as a metaphor. The ring is a war-ending weapon that might be too awful to ever be used.
(It must be made of plutonium; it causes Gollum to mutate from its radioactivity, and when placed in the nuclear reactor at Mount Doom, it causes it to reach critical mass, wiping out Mordor. The elves