The Puzzler

The things that annoyed me most were:
1 No guards around the prison pit? What's to stop any passer-by throwing down a rope ladder to rescue a friend or relative?
2 The cops versus criminals battle: why did it turn so quickly into a brawl? Guns work! Just shoot them!
3 Why were my scenes cut out? I, the Puzzler, am the

"I never noticed how often J.K. Rowling uses five words where one would do just fine"
The words 'just fine' could be omitted here.

"I never noticed how often J.K. Rowling uses five words where one would do just fine"
The words 'just fine' could be omitted here.

Hello everyone.
What I would like to know is, how come people don't say 'hello' and 'goodbye' when posting on internet forums? It's not how people speak in real life, and it's just not polite.
Thank you for reading this.

Hello everyone.
What I would like to know is, how come people don't say 'hello' and 'goodbye' when posting on internet forums? It's not how people speak in real life, and it's just not polite.
Thank you for reading this.

If you don't like reading books on an E-Reader, buy the paper versions.

If you don't like reading books on an E-Reader, buy the paper versions.

There are lots of interesting-looking characters in Watchmen we learn virtually nothing about. (Especially if you didn't read the material Moore only put in the notes for the Watchmen RPG spin-off.) If a writer can tell an interesting story about one of them, I'll be happy to read it.

There are lots of interesting-looking characters in Watchmen we learn virtually nothing about. (Especially if you didn't read the material Moore only put in the notes for the Watchmen RPG spin-off.) If a writer can tell an interesting story about one of them, I'll be happy to read it.

Different types of goo for different strains of experimental creatures, plus you want to make lots so you can be sure of covering the whole planet?
They did seem to be bringing the robot's body with them, so in a sequel he'd probably be reassembled.
The problem with a sequel is that they clearly don't know how to make

Different types of goo for different strains of experimental creatures, plus you want to make lots so you can be sure of covering the whole planet?
They did seem to be bringing the robot's body with them, so in a sequel he'd probably be reassembled.
The problem with a sequel is that they clearly don't know how to make

Well, they were hoping to find alien gods who would give them the secret of immortality (rather than a Frankenstein-monster in reverse), so bringing along scientists who had been studying these aliens from cave paintings might be of some help in communicating makes some sense. They don't know what they'll find, when

Well, they were hoping to find alien gods who would give them the secret of immortality (rather than a Frankenstein-monster in reverse), so bringing along scientists who had been studying these aliens from cave paintings might be of some help in communicating makes some sense. They don't know what they'll find, when

Thanks for what you wrote about the opening. That had me very confused.
And we definitely need a better name than 'space jockeys' for the aliens. Prometheans?

Thanks for what you wrote about the opening. That had me very confused.
And we definitely need a better name than 'space jockeys' for the aliens. Prometheans?

This will be a really divisive movie. Those who respond to art at a symbolic level will enjoy it. Those care more about literal interpretations will find it frustrating.
Why do the aliens leave carvings all over the world advertising a particular planet if that planet is just a bio-research lab? Why do they find the

This will be a really divisive movie. Those who respond to art at a symbolic level will enjoy it. Those care more about literal interpretations will find it frustrating.
Why do the aliens leave carvings all over the world advertising a particular planet if that planet is just a bio-research lab? Why do they find the

So, all Greedo (a bounty hunter who can't even make the easiest shot imaginable) was just supposed to take Han to see Jabba, right? And Jabba (in the special edition) was right outside, and wasn't planning on killing Han anyway. So why bother pointing a gun in the first place? Why not just wait until Han leaves the

So, all Greedo (a bounty hunter who can't even make the easiest shot imaginable) was just supposed to take Han to see Jabba, right? And Jabba (in the special edition) was right outside, and wasn't planning on killing Han anyway. So why bother pointing a gun in the first place? Why not just wait until Han leaves the

The colonists scene at the start might undermine the mystery of what they marines will find for someone who'd never seen the original cut of Aliens, but for anyone who has seen it, does it really take anything away?