The Puzzler

The colonists scene at the start might undermine the mystery of what they marines will find for someone who'd never seen the original cut of Aliens, but for anyone who has seen it, does it really take anything away?

I think you could interpret several of the characters as the 'main' character if you wanted. The Hulk suppresses his anger, loses control, then finds a way to use his anger to defeat the enemy, and finally manages to overcome his anger enough to rescue someone instead of just fighting while in Hulk form. Captain

I would say The Goon is more of a superhero story than Fables. It's about a guy with superhuman strength who protects a city from monsters and villains.

Indeed, they are exactly as alien as those three things respectively.

Re: 10:30
Actually, I'm pretty sure there were two different Doonesbury characters called President George Bush. One was vice president back in the 80s and then president for one term in the early 90s, and the other served two terms more recently. But don't feel bad - it's hard keeping track of all these cartoon

I've never liked it in cartoons when large buildings collapse and judging by the light-hearted tone we're supposed to think that somehow this has happened without the casualties you'd get in real life.
I find myself imagining news headlines the day after. "Powerpuff girl tears off top half of skyscraper, uses it to

That always bothered me. They don't have enough money to buy food, but they have seemingly infinite ammunition.

Interviewer: War on Drugs, what did you think of The Wire?

Since the Riddler's riddles are always too difficult for me… I mean, for the typical AV club reader, I'll come out of retirement for one week with some cryptic crossword puzzle clues to keep you going while he's away. The answers can be fitted together in an 11 by 15 grid.

I'm one of those who didn't really like how the big battle played out. Buffy's plan is idiotic. It got Anya killed and could easily have got lots of her friends killed, if a dozen bringers had stumbled upon Dawn, Xander, etc, while they were going around protecting something or other in groups of two. In fact, given

reply fail

There's a species in Niven's Ringworld series,
'Pierson's Puppeteers', who consider cowardice a virtue, and courage a form of insanity…

But human brains do have all kinds of specialised regions. There are types of brain damage that stop you recognising your friends' faces, or stop you recognising anything else. There are types of brain damage that will cause you to feel overwhelming rage towards everyone. A drug that caused a human to lose their sense

Rocket science is extremely simple. Basically, if you fire stuff out backwards, you move forwards.
Quantum physics? Well, there's an experiment where you fire particles through slits. If you fire a bunch of particles, they interfere with one another, and don't move in straight lines. If you fire a single particle

This film completely misrepresents the noble sport of competitive jigsaw-assembly. No-one simply discovers an innate talent for jigsaw construction. These are skills that can only be earned through years of dedicated study and, let's be honest, steroids.

Gasp! Somebody remembered I exist!
…I mean, how dare you! I shall have my revenge, in puzzle form!
"In a randy liar (anagram) (5, 7)"

So THAT's what happened to the guy I gave sixty bucks to exchange clothes with me. I was wondering. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity, Mr Zsasz!
The answers were:
(1) Poison Ivy, obviously
(2) Because I appeared several years BEFORE the Riddler. It's on Wikipedia, bitches! And I know it's accurate because I wrote my own

Hi there!
Hi, puzzle fans! I'm The Puzzler. Yeah, you know me: I was one of Superman's most fiendish foes (until The Prankster replaced me). For example, one time, I entered a card-game tournament and lost every match. But I got my revenge in a delightfully ironic manner! For example, the guy who beat me at poker? I

I am both versions of The Puzzler; I have the combined strengths of a blatant Riddler stand-in AND a game-losing psychopath with a love of simplistic wordplay. But just to please you I'll switch back to my previous avatar.

That would be the episode 'Read My Lips', which isn't for another thirty-something episodes.