The Puzzler

'First, the fish must be caught.'
That is easy: a baby, I think, could have caught it.
'Next, the fish must be bought.'
That is easy: a penny, I think, would have bought it.
'Now cook me the fish!'
That is easy, and will not take more than a minute.
'Let it lie in a dish!'
That is easy, because it already is in it.

I, The Puzzler will be in The Dark Knight Rises, in a team-up with Calendar Man, Kite Man and The Ten Eyed Man! You heard it hear first!

The answer was a human heart. You are clearly a stranger to the ways of love and poetry and non-cannibalistic butchers, TuxedoMonkey; nonetheless, I shall always keep a place for you in my heart.
Congratulations, Danonymous! I was all set to blow up this hospital on the way out, but now I'm just going to stab a couple

Well done, CheeseAtWork! That deserves a prize! How would you like to be my sidekick, Puzzle-Boy? No? Head of my fanclub? Just hang out for drinks? I get so lonely…

I hate you all.

The first one was SUPPOSED to be easy. But I still had to smother a young man to death in his bed because SOMEONE said sundial. Them's the rules!

Actually, the doctor was a robot. But your answer works too, so I'll spare the life of my next victim.


That's offensive: in no way is Clock King a Riddler knockoff!
And it's not a sundial.

Puzzle me this, AV Club!
Hi, puzzle fans! I'm The Puzzler. Yeah, you know me: I was in a couple of episodes of the old Batman TV show when Frank Gorshin got sick of being The Riddler. I was played by Maurice Evans: Dr Zaius from Planet of the Apes!