
Yeah. That's what really bugged me about that show: it was pretty lazy when it came to joking about race/sexuality, opting for low hanging fruit like "HAH ISN'T IT FUNNY CAUSE HE'S ASIAN. LISTEN TO HIS ACCENT!!" and "HAHA, HE'S SO GAY. IT'S HILARIOUS!!!"

Yup. That's exactly what I thought. He's the corporate drone whose all polite and apologetic—while he's shoving a dagger into your gut.

Dude. You are fighting the wrong battle here. As someone who is intensely aware over the stereotypes placed on educated Black men—that's not what this is about. No one is being baffled about the idea of a Black man sounding like he didn't come from the ghetto.

Not exactly what I was thinking, but there is an artificiallness to how he speaks. An attempt to sound educated or "white."

A show that doesn't take itself seriously still has to be, you know, good.

Didn't really get into No Doubt, or pretty much just Tragic Kingdom, until High School when I was in Marching Band and a lot of my friends were into ska. Is Tragic Kingdom relevant? Ehhhhh, I don't think it matters. But it certainly is a fun album, and I'll also vouch for the albums opening tracks—they're

I reread Fevre Dream recently—what a great book. I'm kinda surprised that hasn't been optioned yet for a limited series on Showtime or something.

Crow Zero is also a pretty fun one as well. Basically a live-action anime where a bunch of hoodlums fight each other to become king of the highschool they go to.

Didn't see Ted 2 either, but you're right on. The best I can say on Ted 1 is that it felt like pre-cancellation Family Guy and I really did enjoy Wahlberg and McFarlane dicking around.

All we are are squanch in the wind.

First episode I got to see of this. It may be an Archer rip-off, but it does just enough to make it worthwhile. And yeah, it's an incredibly striking looking show.

With multitudes of characters and world building, it really does seem like the Sonic franchise is just better off being a cartoon rather than a video game series.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this movie looks terrifying. I could not imagine trying to sit through this in 3d.

Yeah. One More Time is really such a timeless classic; a fun, celebratory song that's just as effective now as it was back than.

So you hate the song because people like it?

While I think an American Akira is an awful idea—you really do need a trilogy to tell that story. Even the animated movie pales in comparison to the manga.

So the whole water hose scene—am I the only who thought that whole sequence was less about exploiting the girls and more about amusingly showing that Max was far more interested in the water than he was about the women there.

Yeah. That live section was just clunky and sappy in a way that Lord and Miller generally avoid.


Wait. There was a response song to boom boom boom. Holy shit, dude.