
Eeeeeeh….Like yeah, Marvel is more colorful than the DC, but I dont think those films uses color in any interesting fashion. Watching The Avengers in theaters, I was struck by how dull and lifeless the movie looked, especially during that opening scene when Hawkeye attacks Nick Fury—its ugly. Yeah, Man of Steel went

I enjoy Teen Titans Go too! It's a fun show that's a nice counterpoint of continuity-heavy shows like Adventure Time.

And it was also a pretty good movie so….

I know its the cool thing to do shit down the throats of pop stars, but man i really, really loved Emotion. Didnt know she released a B-side, so ill check that out.

Pain and Gain is not a great movie, but goddamn this is easily Bay at his best. This is a Bay that actually gives a shit, which explains why this film is far more energetic than any of his transformers films. It's basically Bays version of GTA.

no. no. no. no. no. nope. nuh-uh. wrong. untrue. lies. no. NO.

No one has to explain shit to you. You either like him or don't.
Also…I'm guessing you haven't listened to any of his albums. Yeah, that's your problem right there.

Freestyle 4 is probably the only song I'd omit from TLOP. It is kind of bad.

Really? I love Kanye is fucking hilarious. In fact there's plenty of moments in this album pretty funny.

Yeah, I unabashedly loved this film. It's basically a nightmarish fever dream of a deconstruction of Mafia types. Basically it's Refn firmly reminding us that he was also director of Valhalla Rising.

Jesus, you guys really do suck.

Saw this on Hulu recently: Man this film does not play around. True to the film, and its title character's name, people die fucking hard in this movie. Yeah, real easy to see why Tarantino was heavily influenced by it while making Kill Bill.

Wow…you just kind of suck, huh?

TO BE FAIR, I think Civil War looks leagues better than any of Whedon's effort, and Civil War is far more toned down and gritted up than Star Wars. So apples and Oranges and stuff.

listening to it right now. Holy shit you ain't kidding.


Yeah. I checked this out on Netflix a week ago. It's pretty damn fun. Largely because so much shit is piled on this guy in the first thirty minutes, that it does get pretty damn hilarious watching him squirm. Not as bleak as I thought it would be considering it's a Korean thriller.

Oh jesus that opening scene in King of Comedy is fucking fantastic

To be fair….Chinese films are notorious for having severe tonal shifts where a scene can go from slapstick comedy to serious drama in mere seconds.

Just recently watched this, and even for a Stephen Chow film this film is really fucking out there. Also, kind of brave for having Chow be a complete dick bag for about 90% of the movie, before a deus ex machina turns him into some cooking-wuxia champion.