Rando Calrissian

Says the person whose internet handle is a 20-year-old video game….

Also, clever wordplay aside, it had one of the show's best visual gags in Cyrill choking/fucking Cheryl while Pam is watching/dropping a deuce in the bathroom.

Yeah, "fades from relevancy."  That's what we all thought in the 90s….

Instead of being helpful and answering your question….

I reckon this is the best episode of the series since the Heart of Archness arc, but it lacked a "My vulva is as smooth as a veal cutlet" moment. Which is a way of saying Todd is wrong and "Skytanic" is still the best.

Why is it that I remember "Boston Common" as this show that ran for years, when all evidence points to the contrary? I feel like I barely averted living in some terrible timeline where NBC only ran shitty shows.

Yeah, any episode featuring Vedek "Kira's Boy-toy" is pretty awful.

In hindsight, the show would have worked better if all of the mythology/avatar stuff was more in the background and each episode was a self-contained story. That way viewers who were watching this week to week could get some sense of dramatic payoff, and given the rich setting the writers had to work with (carnies!

I don't remember too much about the next episode, but there is that scene in "Babylon" that pushes that episode from being unsettling, to actually frightening. The weird thing is, I can't even remember the plot of the episode but the mood still sticks with me.

I'd be willing to back you on Plath. I don't know if she "sucks", but Hughes was the better poet.

Honestly, it's the abstinence from caffeine that would break me. Going through the day without booze? Sure, no problem. No coffee? Yeesh.

So….guessing you haven't seen Mortal Kombat?

I'm sure the NYC music scene is super-competitive, but I'm guessing that
it's a huge advantage living in a city where you can network with
relevant people in the industry. Of course, you have to have talent as well.

Ah, now I finally understand the lyrics to 'Summerteeth"

Do any other children of the 90s remember when "heroin chic" was a thing fuddy-duddies would wrinkle their brows over?

Oh, I'm not disputing that the show used O'Brien's spaceism well. It's just disconcerting after watching him on TNG where everyone is morally flawless.

Wait, people hate "The Merv Griffin Show" episode? Do they also dislike ice-cream and blowjobs?

Colm Meany was by far the best regular on DS9, even if he lacks the gravitas of Patrick Stewart. Doubters should watch "Whispers" from season 2.

I'm currently cherry-picking episodes from seasons 1&2 on Netflix and am underwhelmed by Visitor's acting. She's not horrible, but even in "Duet" (which is awesome) her over-emoting style is distracting.

I hate to damage an already-fragile message board by talking about another show, but since you started it lylebot…