Rando Calrissian

Ain't nothing wrong with a baby-dick*…right?

Yeah, it's up there with Larry pretending to dig Smash Mouth in order to bang Winona Ryder in cringe-inducing moments on the show.


There may be nothing funnier in the universe than Hank Kingsley saying “You dig?”

I think that part of the reason may be that while Roseanne was a smart, funny show that almost always entertained, it put out pretty much the exact opposite of the "hang-out" vibe that a lot of people feel is necessary in a good comedy. I mean, part of the show's genius was that it authentically portrayed a part of

Sir, I warned you my tale was not for the faint-scrotumed.

So instead of doing impressions of Liberace, does Bugs Bunny impersonate Lady Gaga instead? Are there references to the War on Terror and 9/11? Does Bugs seduce Elmer Fudd by dressing up like Kat Dennings?

Cowboy Bebop

Goodness, that Jonathan Foer has a punchable face.

No, but it was someplace very uncomfortable.

Christ, I forgot about those rebel Aiel (or however you spell it), another antagonist that lingered around for 4 or 5 books. I stopped reading after book 11, but I look forward to reading the future Wikipedia article on how it all gets resolved.

Man, I just had a flashback of how Jordan tied up a good third of his characters for like, 5 books searching for that damn weather-changing bowl.

I know the caption under the picture says Kaley Cuoco, but I'm having a hard time believing that's not Liz Phair

um, Sam Neill in Jurassic Park? But he wasn't exactly an A-Lister after JP1

Completely different genre, but I think Neko Case might be a singer on the same talent level as James

Incorrect. Going to a McDonald's anytime between 1-4 A.M. is perfectly acceptable.

I had always assumed she was the same age as Billie Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald, not a full generation younger than they.

Second on that. The recent Quiet American was a good flick that differed from the book in interesting ways.

"Baccano" was unbelievably fun and exciting for the first 13 episodes or so (up until the end of the train heist plot) but then morphed into a boring, incoherent mess. All of the crazy elements that made the series entertaining suddenly seemed to spin out of control and devour any fun in the show. Still, it's

Yeah, next week should be the one with Spike's cowboy alter-ego, right? Then "Hard Luck Woman"…good luck satisfying the plebs with those reviews, Abrams.