Rando Calrissian

I haven't seen CBS This Morning (and really don't plan to), but I'm a regular watcher of "The Charlie Rose Show" because I rarely see him coasting on autopilot during an interview. Not to speak ill of the dead, but the whole "restating things with a question mark" schtick was more of a Tim Russert tick and made him a

Haven't seen Close Range. Do Walken and Penn sing along to Air Supply in it?

I watched "The Daily Show" after a break of a couple years and was shocked by Jon Stewart's transformation into some sort of Robin Williams/Jim Carey hybrid. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't remember his performance being that manic and all over the place.

I don't know how New Girl will handle it, but I think we can agree that 99.99999% of the time IRL hooking up the roommate is a bad idea.

Man, I tried to like it but I found Death Note to be really, really boring. I thought I was going to be watching some Sherlock-Holmes-style battle of wits between Kira and L, but both characters had such ridiculous insights into what the other was thinking (I guess genius=telepathy) that it quickly became a snoozefest

Eh, I read "World War Z" last summer and while it was a fun read, I don't see how it can be adapted to a movie without losing the essence of what made it so charming. The best parts of the book (adventures of the Chinese nuclear sub, the campers in Canada that resorted to cannibalism, etc.) don't even revolve around

Modern Romance Spoilers

Honestly, I think a lot of people have difficulty with how disgusting Gary Shandling comes across in the show. Not in a physical sense so much, but just that his character has all the self-centered assholeness of Larry David on 'Curb' but without any of the quirky…um charm?

By coincidence, this morning I was wondering who Hollywood's leading black actor is. Stars like Denzel Washington and Laurence Fishburn are pretty old, but I can't for the life of me think of who their replacements would be.

Can we talk about the conspiracy among Hollywood executives in the 90's to make us think Juliette Lewis was attractive? "Strange Days", "Natural Born Killers," "From Dusk Til Dawn,"…I just don't get it.

Everyone gives Boardwalk Empire's sequence shit, but I really don't see what's wrong with it. The only beef I have, as someone who is trying to quit, is that it REALLY makes me want to smoke (but that applies to the show in general.)

Yeah, the Brody-jacking-it scene was one of the more awkward sex scenes I've seen on a cable show.

I'd say 2046 is a down ending as well. At the end of it, Tony Leung's character is still in "2046" and unable to ever get over his failed romance. 

Some editorial intern is getting their ass chewed out right now (I sympathize).

I'd like to see a little bit more of Grey-Matter-era Walt as well. I think most of the events have already been revealed so far (Walt and Gretchen either have a relationship or some romantic tension, the third friend/chemist somehow ends up with Gretchen, and at some point Walt was offered to continue on but left),

Wow, between the recent Jeff Tweedy interview and the new Ryan Adams album, it's like AV Club is covering all the music I love but is ignored by the community here.


Hey brahs, sign here if you know any asshole named "Lenny" or "Benny" or any variation thereof and you greet him in your most annoying, Joey-Pants-like voice.

I use book reviews to fulfill my firstin' needs, just like I use hookers to fulfill them killin' needs.

Biaostic:"Rear Window"::Chukasto:"Disturbia"